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[Letter from Charles Powell Trotti, Sr. to Charles Powell Trotti, Jr. - June 16, 1945]

Description: Letter in graphite to Charles Powell Trotti, Jr. from his father, Charles Powell Trotti, Sr. In the letter, Trotti Sr. discusses how he received Trotti Jr.'s previous letter and asks him when he thinks he will be coming home. There is also mention of Trotti Jr.'s brother and sister in the letter.
Date: June 16, 1945
Creator: Trotti, Charles Powell, Sr.
Partner: National Museum of the Pacific War/Admiral Nimitz Foundation

[Letter From Otha Lee to Antone - June 16, 1944]

Description: Letter written to Antone from Otha Lee discussing . She mentions shows she and Antone saw individually, seeing films handled in an x-ray lab, having dinner in Chinatown, going bowling with Walt, and personal finances.
Date: June 16, 1944
Creator: Bruns, Otha Lee
Partner: National Museum of the Pacific War/Admiral Nimitz Foundation

[Letter from J. L. Turner, Sr. to Bernadine Turner - June 16, 1942]

Description: Letter from J. L. Turner, Sr., to his son, Bernadine Turner, discussing Bernadine's accommodations near her school in New York City. He asks Bernadine to be considerate of the future, including government jobs that may not exist after World War II is over, and provides updates over weather at home and friends in California.
Date: June 16, 1942
Creator: Turner, John Turner, Sr.
Partner: Private Collection of Dr. George E. Keaton, Jr.

[Letter from Aaron E. Henry to Robert Wagner - June 16, 1975]

Description: Letter from Aaron E. Henry to Robert Wagner discussing the affirmative action plan of the Democratic Party of the State of Mississippi and the Compliance Review Commission of the Democratic National Committee's report.
Date: June 16, 1975
Creator: Henry, Aaron E.
Partner: Texas Southern University

[Letter from Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Dryer to Cecelia McKie - June 16, 1943]

Description: Letter sent from Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Dryer to Cecelia McKie thanking her for the message and stating their daughter, Marian Dryer Newsom, is interned with Elsie Luckman. Marian had been on her way to Manila on December 1st, 1941, and both girls were caught there by the war. Envelope addressed to Mrs. W. L. McKie, Sacramento, California from Mrs. Mabel Dryer, Wichita, Kansas.
Date: June 16, 1943
Creator: Dryer, R. L. & Dryer, Mrs. R. L.
Partner: National Museum of the Pacific War/Admiral Nimitz Foundation

[Letter from Joe Davis to Catherine Davis - June 16, 1944]

Description: Letter from Joe to his wife Catherine discussing his flight that morning, eating at the post exchange, watching a ball game, and playing catch with Holquin and Williams.
Date: June 16, 1944
Creator: Davis, Joseph Emmett
Partner: National Museum of the Pacific War/Admiral Nimitz Foundation

[Letter from I. H. Kempner to Clark W. Thompson, June 16, 1962]

Description: Letter from I. H. Kempner to Clark W. Thompson discussing the Kempner's support of Thompson's various political campaigns being based on Thompson's political and person sincerity of purpose but explaining the federal government's faults and choice to favor self-interest over party interest and maintaining the balance of constructive legislator. Kempner ends the letter informing Thompson that Jim Kempner will soon be wedding Miss Libbie McIntire.
Date: June 16, 1962
Creator: Kempner, Isaac H. (Isaac Herbert), 1873-1967
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from I. H. Kempner to O. R. Seagraves, June 16, 1955]

Description: Letter from I. H. Kempner to O. R. Seagraves thanking Seagraves for the opportunity to visit them in Havana. However, he must decline due to prior commitments.
Date: June 16, 1955
Creator: Kempner, Isaac H. (Isaac Herbert), 1873-1967
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from I. H. Kempner to Judge C. G. Dibrell, June 16, 1955]

Description: Letter from I. H. Kempner to Judge C. G. Dibrell giving advice to save costs on the construction of a bridge from Galveston to Pelican Island, including constructing the bridge near the east approach of the causeway to avoid the inclusion of an overpass or draw bridge due to traffic on the Inter-coastal Canal.
Date: June 16, 1955
Creator: Kempner, Isaac H. (Isaac Herbert), 1873-1967
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from Isaac H. Kempner to Martin Belcher Motors, June 16, 1955]

Description: Letter from Isaac H. Kempner to Martin Belcher Motors discussing the latter's lack of response to his pervious letter, and his frustration about the bill charging for repairs on a car the latter sold him that he says contains defects.
Date: June 16, 1955
Creator: Kempner, Isaac H. (Isaac Herbert), 1873-1967
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from I. H. Kempner to Edward Schreiber, June 16, 1954]

Description: Letter from I. H. Kempner to Edward Schreiber explaining that prior obligations will keep Kempner from serving as a member of the Evaluation Committee. He also mentions that they forgot to enclose the reply card, so he had no way to respond if he did not have any other obligations.
Date: June 16, 1954
Creator: Kempner, Isaac H. (Isaac Herbert), 1873-1967
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from Irving L. Goldberg, June 16, 1960]

Description: Letter from Irving L. Goldberg requesting a list of non-American Jewish Committee leaders in smaller town communities who might be interested in Joint Southeast-Southwest Area Conference.
Date: June 16, 1960
Creator: American Jewish Committee
Partner: Rosenberg Library
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