2,061 Matching Results

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Primary view of Letter to Cromwell Anson Jones, 16 July [1881]
Jones, Mary Smith McCrory
July 16, 1881
Primary view of Letter to Cromwell Anson Jones, 16 November 1875
Ashe, Sallie Jones
November 16, 1875
Primary view of Minutes of Alvord City Council
City of Alvord
October 16, 1888
Primary view of [Letter from Political Chief of Nacogdoches to Archivaldo Hopkins] January 16th 1835
Rueg, Enrique
January 16, 1835
Primary view of [Autograph album "To darling Mamie"]
unknown creator
April 16, 1886
Primary view of [Letter from L. Pilsbury to Jesse Grimes]
unknown creator
February 16, 1848
Primary view of [Letter from Fannie Curtis to parents, February 16, 1882]
Curtis, Fannie
February 16, 1882
Primary view of [Letter from Emma Davis to John C. Brewer, August 16, 1878]
Davis, Emma
August 16, 1878
Primary view of [Letter from Emma Davis to John C. Brewer, March 16, 1879]
Davis, Emma
March 16, 1879
Primary view of [Letter from Emma Davis to John C. Brewer, June 16, 1879]
Davis, Emma
June 16, 1879
Primary view of [Letter from S. Menger to L. Huth, November 16, 1855]
Menger, S.
November 16, 1855
Primary view of [Letter to (Ferdinand) Louis Huth, April 16, 1857]
unknown creator
April 16, 1857
Primary view of [Letter from Henri Castro to Ferdinand Louis Huth, November 16, 1845]
Castro, Henri
November 16, 1845
Primary view of [Letter from Guillaume D'Hanis to Ferdinand Louis Huth with note from Henri Castro, April 16, 1846]
D'Hanis, Guillaume
April 16, 1846
Primary view of [Letter from Guillaume D'Hanis to Ferdinand Louis Huth, May 16, 1846]
D'Hanis, Guillaume
May 16, 1846
Primary view of [Letter from E. B. Martin and H. A. Cobb to Louis Huth, April 16, 1845]
Cobb, H. A. & Martin, E.
April 16, 1845
Primary view of [Letter from E. Martin and H. A. Cobb to Ferdinand Louis Huth, December 16, 1845]
Martin, E. & Cobb, H. A.
December 16, 1845
Primary view of [Letter from V. E. Maignan to Ferdinand Louis Huth, January 16, 1856]
Maignan, V. E.
January 16, 1856
Primary view of [Letter from Joseph Burger Jr. to Ferdinand Louis Huth, October 16, 1856]
Burger, Joseph
October 16, 1856
Primary view of [Letter regarding colonization in Texas, November 16, 1844]
unknown creator
November 16, 1844
Primary view of [Letter from Ludwig Huth to Ferdinand Louis Huth, April 16, 1846]
Huth, Ludwig
April 16, 1846
Primary view of [Letter from the Melissa State Bank to Claude D. White, August 16, 1909]
Wyson, H. S.
August 16, 1909
Primary view of [Letter from Alta Berry to Linnet White, September 16, 1909]
Berry, Alta
September 16, 1909
Primary view of [Letter from the Melissa State Bank to Claude D. White, October 16, 1909]
Wysong, H. S.
October 16, 1909
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