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[Agenda for the San Antonio Chapter of the Links, Inc. Meeting - March 19, 1995]

Description: Agenda for the March 19, 1995 meeting of the San Antonio chapter of The Links, Inc. Items for discussion include the chapter's correspondence, treasury reports, committee reports, selection of delegates to a regional conference, and current business.
Date: March 19, 1995
Creator: Links, Inc. San Antonio Chapter.
Partner: UT San Antonio Libraries Special Collections

Americans Believe Arts Are Essential Part of Education

Description: Page one of a publication release on the new survey, Americans and the Arts VI, conducted by Louis Harris. Which states that majority of Americans believe that art and art courses should be part of the regular curriculum and paid for out of the school budget. Ninety-one percent of those polled say it is important for children to learn about the arts and develop artistic skills in schools.
Date: March 19, 1992
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Bill of Sale for Negro Boy from Galaway

Description: Bill of sale for a boy around 14 years old named Edmond, sold as a slave to Michael Reed by John and Emily Galloway.
Date: March 19, 1841
Creator: Galloway, John & Galloway, Emily
Partner: Southwestern University

[Bradshaw's Order: March 19, 1948]

Description: Order form for Bradshaw's listing purchases and total charges for the materials. The order consists of items from Bradshaw's.
Date: March 19, 1948
Creator: Bradshaw's
Partner: Rosenberg Library

Christ in the Beginning

Description: A typewritten manuscript of a sermon based on John 1:1, and tackles the subject of who is Christ from the beginning of time. He is God; he is in the Trinity; and he is the word of God. This was given in Brownwood, Texas
Date: March 19, 1898
Creator: Baten, A. E.
Partner: Howard Payne University Library

[Client Card: Mr. E. R. Ciampa]

Description: Client card describing work completed at the Roman Bronze Works Foundry for Mr. E. R. Ciampa, including a job number, brief description, monetary amount, and dates associated with each entry. Pieces included: "Governor Tobin" (9'), "Shield" (4 copies).
Date: 1958-03-19/1958-04-10
Creator: Roman Bronze Works Foundry
Partner: Amon Carter Museum

[Customer copy Motion and Criminal Docket]

Description: A receipt copy of the motion and criminal docket pertaining to the Richard Schwiderski v. State of Texas court case.
Date: March 19, 1980
Creator: Dallas County Criminal Court
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

DART's Fair Share Parking Starts April 2

Description: News release about parking at two of DART's stations no longer being free for customers who do not live in one of DART's 13 member cities.
Date: March 19, 2012
Creator: Lyons, Morgan & Ball, Mark
Partner: Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART)

[Election results printout]

Description: Printout of primary election results of March 13, 1990 by the Lesbian/Gay Political Coalition of Dallas.
Date: March 19, 1990
Creator: Lesbian/Gay Political Coalition of Dallas
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[First National City Bank of New York Check Stub No. 8-733]

Description: Check stub via The First National City Bank of New York for a check in the amount of $12, 765.00 paid to the order of Messrs. G. H. Walker & Co., purchasing 2,000 shares of technical animation stock dated March 19, 1960.
Date: March 19, 1960
Creator: Kempner, Harris Leon
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Harvard College Class of 1924 Bulletin - March 19, 1959]

Description: Bulletin of the Harvard College Class of 1924 providing an update on nominations for the the Class and Nominating Committees for the April 20, 1959 election.
Date: March 19, 1959
Creator: Harvard College (1780- ). Class of 1924
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Historic Marker Application: Pioneer Memorial Log House]

Description: Application materials submitted to the Texas Historical Commission requesting a historic marker for the Pioneer Memorial Log House, in Houston, Texas. The materials include the inscription text of the marker, narrative, and photographs.
Date: March 19, 1998
Creator: Texas Historical Commission
Partner: Texas Historical Commission

Interview with Phillip Thompson, March 19, 1966

Description: Interview with Phillip Thompson, a native of Abilene, Texas. The interview covers Mr. Thompson's background and memories of Abilene.
Date: March 19, 1966
Creator: Gerhart, Eleanor & Thompson, Phillip
Partner: Abilene Public Library

[Invoice for Editing and Titling, March 19, 1954]

Description: Invoice for services provided by Stahl Editing and Titling Service for Mr. Daniel W. Kempner, including editing, titling, and vacuumating. The invoice was marked paid on the 27th of March, 1954.
Date: March 19, 1954
Creator: Stahl Editing & Titling Service
Partner: Rosenberg Library

Jewish Community Council Executive Committee Minutes: March 19, 1945

Description: Minutes of a Jewish Community Council Executive Committee meeting documenting attendance, discussions, and decisions made by the group.
Date: March 19, 1945
Creator: Jewish Community Council of Metropolitan Houston. Executive Committee.
Partner: Rice University Woodson Research Center

Jewish Community Council Minutes: March 19, 1941

Description: Minutes of a Jewish Community Council meeting documenting attendance, discussions, and decisions made by the group.
Date: March 19, 1941
Creator: Jewish Community Council of Metropolitan Houston
Partner: Rice University Woodson Research Center
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