11 Matching Results

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[Receipt of payment for blacksmithing]

Description: Receipt of payment from William Reed, administrator of the estate of Michael Reed, to Eugene Rich, for blacksmithing services.
Date: March 23, 1860
Creator: Rich, Eugene
Partner: Southwestern University

A Bill of Saill of the Jack Dave Crocket

Description: Bill of sale for a donkey named Davy Crockett, sold by J.L. Morris to Henry Brooks on March 26, 1856. Some home remedies written on verso of page [1] and recto of page [2].
Date: March 26, 1856
Creator: Morris, J.L.
Partner: Southwestern University

Bill of Sale for Negro Boy from Galaway

Description: Bill of sale for a boy around 14 years old named Edmond, sold as a slave to Michael Reed by John and Emily Galloway.
Date: March 19, 1841
Creator: Galloway, John & Galloway, Emily
Partner: Southwestern University

[Promissory note for Harriet Henderson]

Description: Promissory note for $100 to Harriet Henderson by December 25, 1859, with a promise to leave "the place" in the found condition. Creator not identified.
Date: March 10, 1859
Partner: Southwestern University

[Record of payment]

Description: Record of payment from Michael Reed for travel expenses.
Date: March 8, 1833
Partner: Southwestern University

[Receipt of payment]

Description: Receipt of payment for Michael Reed issued by A. Hardy.
Date: March 26, 1838
Creator: Hardy, A.
Partner: Southwestern University

[Receipt of payment]

Description: Receipt of payment from William Reed to W.B. Racher on behalf of the state of Michael Reed.
Date: March 28, 1860
Creator: Racher, W.B.
Partner: Southwestern University

[Record of payment]

Description: Record of payment for Michael Reed.
Date: March 5, 1832
Partner: Southwestern University

[Promissory note]

Description: Promissory note from Thomas G[?]alen and John Null promising to pay Michael Reed in the amount of $25.
Date: March 8, 1855
Creator: Null, John & Galen, Thomas
Partner: Southwestern University
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