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[Galveston Pilot Boat Log: 1866-1867]

Description: Logs kept by ship pilots in the Galveston area, documenting trips and fees, as well as other related information.
Date: 1866-08/1867-05
Partner: Galveston Pilots Association

[Galveston Pilot Boat Log: 1866-1869]

Description: Logs kept by ship pilots in the Galveston area, documenting trips and fees, as well as other related information.
Date: 1866-12/1869-12
Partner: Galveston Pilots Association

[Galveston Pilot Boat Log: 1866-1868]

Description: Logs kept by ship pilots in the Galveston area, documenting trips and fees, as well as other related information.
Date: 1866-01/1868-10
Partner: Galveston Pilots Association

[Jasper County, Texas Tax Roll: 1866]

Description: Tax rolls for Jasper County, Texas documenting real and personal properties taxed during the year 1866. Information includes land plot(s) and owner's name, the acreage and assessed value for each property, additional assets, taxes assessed by the state and county, and other relevant details.
Date: 1866
Creator: Jasper County (Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries

Travis County Clerk Records: Commissioners Court Minutes C

Description: Travis County Commissioners Court minutes from August 1866 to August 1877, documenting proceedings of county administrative court. Business transacted includes classification and expenditure of county funds, approval of claims, levy of taxes, care of paupers, construction and maintenance of public buildings and roads, management of other county works, calling of bids and letting of contracts, designation of election precincts, appointments of election judges, calling of elections, and approval … more
Date: 1866-08/1877-08
Creator: Travis County (Tex.). Clerk's Office.
Partner: Travis County Clerk’s Office

Galveston City Directory, 1866-1867

Description: General directory for Galveston, Texas includes address listings for businesses and individuals as well as advertisements from local businesses. According to the title page, it contains "the early history of Galveston, the officers of the existing city government, together with full details of all public improvements, institutions and associations, public enterprises, etc."
Date: 1866
Creator: W. Richardson & Co.
Partner: Rosenberg Library

Travis County Probate Records: Probate Minutes D

Description: Travis County probate minutes documenting probate cases from June 1866 to December 1868. Recorded copies of proceedings of the county court sitting as a probate court in cases involving estates of deceased individuals. Shows term of court, date of proceedings, names of officers present, subject of hearing, names of interested parties present, orders of the court, signed approval of county judge, and clerk's attestation. Arranged chronologically by date recorded.
Date: 1866-06-25/1868-12-16
Creator: Travis County (Tex.). Clerk's Office.
Partner: Travis County Clerk’s Office

Die Tochter Tehuan's: oder Texas im vorigen Jahrhundert.

Description: This German text is a work of fiction that paints a historical picture of life in Spanish Texas. The protagonist is a young Spanish immigrant, Don Hesu Navarro, who befriends Tehuan and his family. The action is centered around the San Jose Mission in San Antonio.
Date: 1866
Creator: Hoermann, Alto S. (Alto Sebastian), 1829-1867
Partner: UT San Antonio Libraries Special Collections

The American conflict: a history of the great rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-'64: its causes, incidents, and results: intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases, with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the war for the Union. Volume 2.

Description: Volume two of a two-volume set details political and military action in the Civil War. Chapter I (pp. 17-25) discusses activity in Texas and New Mexico in 1862. Analytical index begins on p. 765.
Date: 1866
Creator: Greeley, Horace, 1811-1872.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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