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[Alamo Plaza]

Description: Postcard image of a park with a number of buildings lining the street on the far side, with printed text below the image: "San Antonio, Tex. Alamo Plaza, Looking North." Carriages with passengers are in the foreground on the cobbled streets of the plaza. Handwritten text on back is addressed to Mr. W. L. Tucker from Weatherford, Texas with no additional correspondence.
Date: July 1906
Partner: Private Collection of T. B. Willis

Dallas County Probate Case 2981: Townsend, Wales J. (Deceased)

Description: Dallas County probate record regarding the case of Townsend, Wales J. (died April 6, 1908) and A. M. & M. W. Tounsend (Executor or Guardian). Wales J. Townsend was born in 1844 and is buried in Greenwood Cemetery Dallas Texas with his wife Alice Forbes Townsend and son Murphy.
Date: 1906-07-01/1908-07-18
Creator: Dallas County (Tex.)
Partner: Dallas Genealogical Society

Travis County Clerk Records: Civil Minutes G

Description: Recorded copies of minutes of civil cases heard county court from July 1906 to October 1918, showing term of court, date of proceedings, case number, style of case, names of attorneys, nature of matter before the court and proceedings thereon, orders and judgments of the court, signatures of presiding judge and attorneys, clerk's attestation, date filed, and date recorded. Arranged chronologically by date recorded.
Date: 1906-07/1918-10
Creator: Travis County (Tex.). Clerk's Office.
Partner: Travis County Clerk’s Office

Travis County Probate Records: Probate Minutes 24

Description: Travis County probate minutes documenting probate cases from July 1906 to January 1909. Recorded copies of proceedings of the county court sitting as a probate court in cases involving estates of deceased individuals. Shows term of court, date of proceedings, names of officers present, subject of hearing, names of interested parties present, orders of the court, signed approval of county judge, and clerk's attestation. Arranged chronologically by date recorded.
Date: 1906-07/1909-01
Creator: Travis County (Tex.). Clerk's Office.
Partner: Travis County Clerk’s Office
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