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Attachment for Cultivators.

Description: Patent for an improved arch-bar for cultivators that allows increasing and decreasing the space between drag bars without having to stop the team of horses.
Date: July 31, 1906
Creator: Weempe, Charles M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Car Door Opener.

Description: Patent for a car door opener, making it possible to open a car door without using a hammer or injuring oneself.
Date: July 31, 1906
Creator: Gibson, Levi D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Dental Swaging Apparatus

Description: Patent for a dental apparatus that produces gold facings and cusps for individual teeth, as well as plate and bridge work.
Date: July 31, 1906
Creator: Crawford, Lyter H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

[Postcard of the Iroquois Hotel]

Description: Postcard addressed to Mr. James Lewis Caldwell, Jr. in Huntington, West Virginia. The image on the front of the postcard shows the Iroquois Hotel in Buffalo, New York. The handwritten message on the front of the postcard, signed V. M., says, "We are having a fine time. Going to Detroit this P.M. Crossed Lake Ontario yesterday going to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Nigh and Gordou stopped here, the twenty-ninth."
Date: July 31, 1906
Partner: McFaddin-Ward House Museum
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