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[A group of Moers standing in front of a building.]

Description: Photograph of a group of people standing in front of a building. The people are identified on the back of the photograph as: C. A. Moers, Marie Moers, Raymond Moers, and Agusta Moers. C. A. Moers, on far left, is standing behind the group with is back to the camera (profile). Marie is wearing her dark coat over her dark dress and white pearls around her neck. Raymond is wearing a sweater over white shirt and dark tie, Agusta is wearing a dark dress with pearls. Palm fronds in foreground. Exteri… more
Date: 1926
Partner: Fort Bend Museum

[Raymond Moers and C. A. Moers]

Description: Photograph of Raymond Moers and C. A. Moers (father?) as written on the back of the photograph. Young man on left is wearing a white shirt, dark pants, stockings and shoes, with a dark striped tie. He is holding a golf cap in his right hand. The man is wearing a dark suit, white shirt, and dark tie. His is holding something in his left hand and has it over his left shoulder. Banana tree in background.
Date: 1926
Partner: Fort Bend Museum

[Tommie Shuford]

Description: Photograph of Tommie Shuford (as identified on back of photo in blue ink) in foreground (wearing shorts, jacket, print socks) standing in front of a sego palm. In background is the Jane Long Boarding house at 100 South Fourth Street in Richmond, Texas. Back part of the building was the Post Office in 1926 and 1927 faced Morton Street. Shadow of photographer in far right corner. Photo is bordered by black design.
Date: 1926
Partner: Fort Bend Museum

[Virginia Davis, Antionette Davis, and Syd Davis, Jr. as children.]

Description: Photographic portrait of (left to right) Virginia Davis, Syd Davis, Jr., Antionette Davis, as children. The girls are wearing matching white dresses with gathered ruffle around scoop neckline, 3 ruffles around hem , and flowers with ribbon tails at one shoulder. Syd is wearing white one piece jumper with floral embroidery. Two tears along upper edge: one 1.9 cm from left corner, about 5 cm long; one 2.0 cm from right corner, about 3 cm long.
Date: 1926
Partner: Fort Bend Museum

[Denton Experimental Station Barbeque, 1926]

Description: Black and white (faded) of Denton Experimental Station Barbeque, 1926 (written on back) taken and collected by H.F.Browder, former County Agent, Denton County. The photo includes a crowd of men and a few women and children with 3 houses in the background.
Date: 1926
Creator: Browder, H. F.
Partner: Courthouse-on-the-Square Museum

[An area of water in front of an oil field]

Description: Photograph of an oil field. There is an area of water with a containment levee surrounding it in foreground. A metal storage tank with a pipe extending from it on far right of photo; wooden post on far left. A dark painted wooden building near right center of photograph. There are six oil derricks in the distance. The photograph has a black pattern border with "Fox Co." in bottom left and top right corners of the border. There is a red "v" or check mark on back of photo.
Date: [1926..1927]
Partner: George Ranch Historical Park

[A man with a horse that has been trained to sit]

Description: Photograph of a man with a horse that has been trained to sit. The man is holding the horse's reins with his left hand and he has his right hand extended toward the horse's head. The black and white horse is sitting on the ground. They are in a pasture with cattle to the left near wooden shoots. There is a white bowl or pan near the bottom left corner of the photograph. The photograph has a black trim around the image with "Fox Co." printed in the top right and bottom left corners. Written on t… more
Date: [1926..1927]
Partner: George Ranch Historical Park

[Photograph of Mary Jones sitting in a wooden swing]

Description: Photograph of Mary Jones sitting in a wooden swing. Mary, who is dressed in a white, long sleeved blouse with rounded collar, and bloomers underneath has her right arm around a doll. The frame of the wooden swing encompasses the perimeters of the photograph. There is a white picket fence in the background. Mary is probably in the yard of the George Ranch house. Back of photo stamped in purple: "210" and "This is a Genuine Fox Tone [outline of fox] Picture Made By Fox Co. San Antonio, Texas".
Date: [1926..1929]
Partner: George Ranch Historical Park

[Photograph of three little girls on the front porch of the J.H.P. Davis House]

Description: Photograph of three little girls on the front porch of the J.H.P. Davis House. One of the little girls sitting in the hammock is Mary Jones. The hammock is attached to a column on the left and the exterior house wall on the right. The columned porch has a white wooden balustrade that follows the curve of the porch.
Date: [1926..1928]
Partner: George Ranch Historical Park

[Postcard image of Mary Jones]

Description: Postcard image of Mary Jones probably taken at Murdoch's Bath House in Galveston, Texas. Mary is posed on a large section of driftwood. She is wearing a striped sleeveless, scooped neckline shirt with shorts. Mary has her right leg crossed over her left and has her right hand on her knee. Her left hand is resting on the driftwood. Surf scene backdrop in background. Written in black ink near top center of photo .001: "Sept. 3 - 1926". Written on back in black type: Post Card Correspondence Addre… more
Date: September 3, 1926
Partner: George Ranch Historical Park

[Hereford High School Scrapbook]

Description: Photograph of a collage in a 1926 scrapbook of the Hereford High School faculty with the inscriptions: "Riggs", "Brown", "Humble", and "Braselton" on the top row; "Williams", "Smith", "Darum", and "Kilgore" on the second row from the top; "Reed" and "Walters" on the third row from the top; and "Morgan", "Parmer", "Glenn", and "Axtell" on the bottom row. It also says "The faculty under which I graduated in 1926".
Date: 1926
Partner: Deaf Smith County Library

[Charles Howard Blackshear II]

Description: (back of photo) My beloved cousin Chas. Howard Blackshear II, son of Uncle Joe and Aunt Mollie Colbert Blackshear. This is his freshman year at University of Ky. and he has on the "Pledge Pin" of my own college fraternity. 1926 - I had sent C.H.B. (Chas. Howard Blackshear II) to "Bob" Massies School for Boys (Massie was son of the Dean of the Lexington Ky Cathedral. (Signed) William S. Blackshear. P.S. Chas. H.B. was the first of my several 1st cousins I sent to school and/or aided financially … more
Date: 1926
Partner: Palestine Public Library

[Grace Church, New Bedford, Mass]

Description: Photograph of the west entrance of the Grace Episcopal Church in New Bedford, Massachusetts, taken from the opposite side of County Street near several automobiles. There is a tall, square tower above the door and, to the right, a portion of the building with a peaked roof and a small cross at the top, large stained-glass windows, and decorative brickwork along the eaves.
Date: 1926
Partner: Palestine Public Library

Old Settler's Association of Grayson County, Volume 4.

Description: Volume 4 of the Old Settlers Association includes minutes and newspaper clippings from 1926-1960. Highlights of the early history of the association can be found on pgs. 109-116. Biographies of the members of the Board of Trustees of the association start on page 117. .
Date: 1926/1960
Creator: Old Settlers Association (Grayson County, Tex.)
Partner: Old Settler's Association of Grayson County
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