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[Letter from Joe K. Menn to Mrs. F. E. Holman - June 12th, 1974]

Description: Letter from Joe K. Menn to Mrs. F. E. Holman thanking her for helping his college receive a $5,000 grant for Mexican-American scholarships from the American Lutheran Church Women.
Date: June 12, 1974
Creator: Menn, Joe K.
Partner: Texas Lutheran University

[Letter from Katherine E. Hester to Barbara Jordan - December 1977]

Description: Letter from Katherine E. Hester to Barbara Jordan discussing Jordan's decision to not seek re-election to the House of Representatives and suggesting that she run for U.S. Senator instead.
Date: December 12, 1977
Creator: Hester, Katherine E.
Partner: Texas Southern University

[Letter from Yvonne B. Burke to Philip E. Ruppe - March 12, 1976]

Description: Letter from Yvonne B. Burke to Philip E. Ruppe discussing the Trans-Alaska Pipeline Act (H.R. 11273) and an affirmative action amendment suggested by the Congressional Black Caucus.
Date: March 12, 1976
Creator: Burke, Yvonne Brathwaite
Partner: Texas Southern University

[Letter from Erminio J. Brignole to Don, September 1941]

Description: Letter sent by Erminio J. Brignole to his friend Don discussing his journey to Pearl Harbor and his first few weeks there. He discusses being assigned mess duty and being sea sick on the way to Pearl Harbor, being transferred to the USS Arizona (BB-39) upon his arrival at Pearl Harbor, being on anchor watch, and cleaning and painting the Arizona while it is in dry dock.
Date: 1941-09-12/1941-09-21
Creator: Brignole, Erminio J.
Partner: National Museum of the Pacific War/Admiral Nimitz Foundation

[Letter from Elizabeth Upshur Teackle to her sister, Ann Upshur Eyre, December 12, 1813]

Description: Letter from Elizabeth Upshur Teackle to her sister, Ann Eyre. She discusses writing poetry, weaving, raising pigs, and eating a lot of spare ribs. She hopes that the conflict that emerged from her writing is settled with Caleb Upshur and George Wilson. She also provides instructions on how to dye yarn and cotton green. She says that she just returned from visiting her cousin Eleanor Jackson Dennis.
Date: December 12, 1813
Creator: Teackle, Elizabeth Upshur
Partner: Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library

[Letter from Theodore H. Kirkland to Charles Stasny, July 12, 1944]

Description: Handwritten letter from Theodore H. Kirkland to Charles Stasny updating him on his life during the war. He discusses being sent to a new outfit, his activities on liberty, being over seas again soon, and his plans to get married. Included is an cnvelope addressed to Charles Stasny from Theodore H. Kirkland.
Date: July 12, 1944
Creator: Kirkland, Theodore H.
Partner: National Museum of the Pacific War/Admiral Nimitz Foundation

[Letter from Elizabeth Upshur Teackle to her sister, Ann Upshur Eyre, February 12, 1810]

Description: Letter from Elizabeth Upshur Teackle to her sister, Ann Upshur Eyre, discussing her plans to go to Baltimore to visit her husband Littleton Dennis Teackle, before he leaves for business in the West Indies. She tells her sister to remind their brother, Arthur Upshur, to repay his debt to her. She also expresses her hope that Littleton will be successful in his business.
Date: February 12, 1810
Creator: Teackle, Elizabeth Uphsur
Partner: Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library
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