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[Acceptance into the Marcus Fellowship Program]

Description: A formal letter warmly congratulating the selected individual on their prestigious achievement - being accepted as a Marcus Fellow in the renowned School of Visual Arts at UNT. This letter not only acknowledges the success but also shares crucial information about stipends, program details, and the exciting adventures awaiting the newly appointed Marcus Fellow.
Date: May 24, 1996
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Birthday Card to Johnie Louise Bruyere, December 24, 1945]

Description: A card addressed to Johnie Louise Bruyere on her birthday. It reads: "When someone has a friend like YOU/Steady, kind, staunch and true/A friend who can always understand/And gladly lends a helping hand./Then what a pleasure to express/Best wishes for your happiness/And what a pleasure to extend/Birthday greetings to you, my friend." It is signed "Miss Sallie." It has purple flowers on the front, as well as the words "Birthday Greetings to You."
Date: December 24, 1945
Partner: Private Collection of T. B. Willis

[Bond from Hannah Maxwell to Henry Maxwell, December 24, 1853]

Description: Bond wherein Hannah Maxwell states that she owes Henry Maxwell twenty five dollars. She also writes that she has sold ten and a half acres of headright land to Henry for six dollars and fifty-eight sense. The paper has been stamped with a five-pointed star and notarized by George Pegues.
Date: December 24, 1853
Creator: Maxwell, Hannah
Partner: Private Collection of Mary Newton Maxwell

[Collaboration Between Meadows Museum and NTIEVA]

Description: A letter officially granting approval from Meadows Museum for the marketing of a portfolio of reproductions and a teacher's guide.
Date: October 24, 1996
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Copy of Letter from The Interested Citizens Committee, May 24, 1969]

Description: Letter from Interested Citizens Committee to Judge Ray Holbrook requesting that Mrs. Doris Ros be reinstated at her position cleaning the courthouse and be paid for lost wages. He states that is unfair to have still not hired her for the position at the hospital after she was promised the role. He mentions that an injustice for one Black person jeopardizes the rights of all Black people in America.
Date: May 24, 1969
Creator: Interested Citizens Committee; McDonald, A. W.; Henderson, Theasel; Stanton, Mrs. R. H., Jr.; Broussard, Calvin & Johnson, Jesse J.
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Correspondence Between David J. Floyd and Barbara Jordan - September 24-25, 1974]

Description: Letter from David J. Floyd inviting Barbara Jordan to the third biennial convention of the International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters (IABPFF) with a reply from Jordan thanking him for the invitation, but declining the offer due to prior engagements. The invitation includes an itinerary for the convention.
Date: 1974-09-24/1974-09-25
Creator: Jordan, Barbara, 1936-1996 & Floyd, David James
Partner: Texas Southern University

[Correspondence Between Mary J. Robinson and Barbara Jordan - August 24, 1973-September 4, 1973]

Description: Correspondence between Mary J. Robinson and Barbara Jordan discussing food supplement regulations made by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and a bill that would counter those regulations. Robinson urges Jordan to take action in favor of the bill. Jordan acknowledges Robinson's concerns as similar to her own.
Date: 1973-08-24/1973-09-04
Creator: Jordan, Barbara, 1936-1996 & Robinson, Mary Jane
Partner: Texas Southern University

[Correspondence between Meyer Bodansky and Benjamin R. Harris - January 1941]

Description: Letters between Dr. Bodansky and Benjamin R. Harris discussing the purities of the monostearin sodium sulfoacetate and sodium sulfoacetate samples sent to Dr. Bodansky in December and how they may help in his research for fat deposition in organs and tissues.
Date: 1941-01-24/1941-01-27
Creator: Bodansky, Meyer, 1896-1941 & Harris, Benjamin R.
Partner: Moody Medical Library, UT

[Correspondence between Meyer Bodansky and M. Stouffer - June 1939]

Description: Letter from Dr. Meyer Bodansky to Miss M. Stouffer, Secretary to Dr. A. S. Giordano, containing a report on the work by the Committee on Chemical Research. Attached is Miss Stouffer's letter requesting a report on the committee's activities.
Date: 1939-05-24/1939-06-08
Creator: Bodansky, Meyer, 1896-1941 & Stouffer, M.
Partner: Moody Medical Library, UT
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