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[Letter: From Robert E. Hensley to Frank Wise]

Description: A letter from Robert E. Hensley, at the AIDS Interfaith Network, to Frank Wise, Dallas Parks Director, offering his support of the proposed AIDS Memorial project for Robert E. Lee Park.
Date: February 2, 1990
Creator: AIDS Interfaith Network Inc.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letters: Jamie Schield to Tammye Nash and John Thomas to Alan Ross]

Description: A letter from Jamie Schield, at the AIDS Resource Center, to Tammye Nash, at the Dallas Voice, seeking to garner support for the execution of National Condom Awareness Week. A similar letter was sent from John Thomas to Alan Ross, at the Dallas Tavern Guild.
Date: February 6, 1990
Creator: AIDS Resource Center
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[RE: Enclosed Transcripts of the Regional Institute Directors' Meeting, October 28-31, 1990, Captiva Island, Florida]

Description: A memo from Julie Abel, program associate of the Getty Center for Education in the Arts, to the Regional Insitute Directors, Sheila Brown, Maggie DiBlasio, Edith Curtis Johnson, Anne Lindsey, Nancy MacGregor, Tom McMullen, Nancy Roucher, Joyce Wright, Jack Davis, Dwaine Greer, Phyllis Scott Johnson, Jessie Lovano-Kerr, Bill McCarter, Jeffery Patchen and Frances Thurber. The memo is in regards to an enclosed transcript from the meeting of October 28 - 31, 1990. cc'd on the memo are Ann Bassi, Pa… more
Date: February 26, 1991
Creator: Abel, Juli
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Julie Abel to the Regional Institute Directors, February 23, 1995]

Description: Photocopy of a letter from Julie Abel, Program Associate, Getty Center for Education in the Arts, to the Regional Institute Directors. In regards to Pat Edwards, a program officer at the Charles Steward Mott Foundation, requesting names and information on outstanding community school. Abel has faxed the directors a list of the "characteristics" of what an outstanding community school is and the recommendation form. Abel writes that all nominations be sent directly to Edwards. Copied on the lett… more
Date: February 23, 1995
Creator: Abel, Julie
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Microsoft Educational CDROM Products, February 17, 1995]

Description: Photocopy of a letter from Julie Abel, Program Associate, Getty Center for Education in the Arts, to the Regional Institute Directors, in discussion of the Microsoft education CD ROM products inventory in relation to the arts education. Abel writes that she is sending them this inventory in order to get their thoughts on if or how they could be used in the summer institutes or the national specialty programs. If the CD's were used, the Getty would need a report back from the directors on how th… more
Date: February 17, 1995
Creator: Abel, Julie
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[RE: Enclosed Transcripts of the Regional Institute Directors' Meeting, October 28-31, 1990, Captiva Island, Florida]

Description: A memo from Julie Abel, program associate of the Getty Center for Education in the Arts, to the Regional Insitute Directors, Sheila Brown, Maggie DiBlasio, Edith Curtis Johnson, Anne Lindsey, Nancy MacGregor, Tom McMullen, Nancy Roucher, Joyce Wright, Jack Davis, Dwaine Greer, Phyllis Scott Johnson, Jessie Lovano-Kerr, Bill McCarter, Jeffery Patchen and Frances Thurber. The memo is in regards to an enclosed transcript from the meeting of October 28 - 31, 1990. cc'd on the memo are Ann Bassi, Pa… more
Date: February 26, 1991
Creator: Abel, Julie
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[RE: NAEA Convention, April 7 - 11, February 22, 1995]

Description: Photocopy of a letter from Julie Abel to the Regional Institute Directors, in regards to the NAEA convention being held April 7 - 11, at the Hyatt Regency, in Houston Texas. The Getty Center has approved the use of up to $500 per director to offset travel expenses to attend the NAEA. Enclosed the directors will find the information about the conference, exhibition information, booth diagrams, regulations and the list of exhibitors. The last page enclosed is a slip from the RIG director to let A… more
Date: February 22, 1995
Creator: Abel, Julie
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Julie Anne Abel to Harriet Laney, February 7, 1991]

Description: Photocopy of a letter from Julie Anne Abel to Harriet Laney that has attached the Getty Center for Education in the Arts program General Agreement. The handwritten letters "jaa" are included under Julie Anne Abel's name.
Date: February 7, 1991
Creator: Abel, Julie Anne
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from the Abilene Independent Automobile Dealers Association to Truett Latimer, February 2, 1953]

Description: Letter from the Abilene Independent Automobile Dealers Association to Truett Latimer showing support for a bill that would repeal House Bill 409. The association says they want to appear at the hearing of the bill by its Committee to give its disadvantages.
Date: February 2, 1953
Creator: Abilene Independent Automobile Dealers Association
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Letter from Jeanne Abramson to Lt. Comdr. E. E. Roberts Jr. - February 12, 1945]

Description: Typed letter from Jeanne Abramson to Lt. Comdr. E. E. Roberts, February 12, 1945. She writes to thank Roberts for his letter about the fate of her husband, Albert L. Abramson, who died in action during the Battle of Samar on the U.S.S. Samuel B. Roberts. She mentions she enlisted in the WAVES and asks for the names and addresses of any men who survived and knew Albert.
Date: February 12, 1945
Creator: Abramson, Jeanne
Partner: National Museum of the Pacific War/Admiral Nimitz Foundation

[Transcript of Letter from Jeanne Abramson to Lt. Comdr. E. E. Roberts Jr. - February 12, 1945]

Description: Typed letter from Jeanne Abramson to Lt. Comdr. E. E. Roberts, February 12, 1945. She writes to thank Roberts for his letter about the fate of her husband, Albert L. Abramson, who died in action during the Battle of Samar on the U.S.S. Samuel B. Roberts. She mentions she enlisted in the WAVES and asks for the names and addresses of any men who survived and knew Albert.
Date: February 12, 1945
Creator: Abramson, Jeanne
Partner: National Museum of the Pacific War/Admiral Nimitz Foundation

[Telegram from Dr. C. E. Adams, February 17, 1953]

Description: Telegram sent to Truett Latimer from C. E. Adams discussing support for House Bill #254 in regards to strengthening the Medical Practice Act.
Date: February 17, 1953
Creator: Adams, C. E.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Letter from Lawrence B. Adams, February 23, 1956]

Description: Letter from Lawrence B. Adams discussing the tax exempt nature of the trust and remitting a tax return for fiscal year 1955.
Date: February 23, 1956
Creator: Adams, Lawrence B.
Partner: Rosenberg Library
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