5 Matching Results

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[Letter from B. D. Dashiell to J. D. and D. C. Giddings - December 2, 1871]

Description: Letter from B.D. Dashiell to J. D. and D. C. Giddings. Dashiell explains that he has not collected rent from Dr. Connor on the female boarding house and wants the brothers to take up the matter. He will send them a list of the stockholders for the house. He also expresses his appreciation for the Giddings' kindness to Brother Burford.
Date: December 2, 1871
Creator: Dashiell, B. D.
Partner: Southwestern University

[Letter from William Chappell to J. D. Giddings - November 2, 1872]

Description: Letter from William Chappell to J. D. Giddings. Chappell begins by stating that he has seen a copy of the order that the Soule University Board of Trustees gave to the Building Committee to hypothecate all of the estate real and personal in order to secure a loan to build a "stone edifice." However, the committee failed to include the Rock Building and donated lands in the hypothecation, and this failure is not the fault of the Board of Trustees because it was explicit in its instructions to i… more
Date: November 2, 1872
Creator: Chappell, William
Partner: Southwestern University

[Letter from Horace Bishop to J. D. Giddings - November 2, 1877]

Description: Letter from Horace Bishop to Hon. J. D. Giddings. Discusses what should be done with two tracts of land in order to raise money to make improvements to Southwestern University.
Date: November 2, 1877
Creator: Bishop, Horace
Partner: Southwestern University

[Letter from Delmar Pachl]

Description: A letter from Delmar Pachl to Carl B. Compton regarding the First Annual All-Texas Sculptors' Exhibition.
Date: March 2, 1941
Creator: Pachl, Delmar
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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