43,828 Matching Results

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Search Results

[RE: Strategic Planning Vision Statements Meeting, May 26, 1993]

Description: Photocopy of a letter from Vicki Rosenberg, program officer of the Getty Center, to the Regional and Californian Institute Directors, in regards to a Matching Fund meeting. Rosenberg notes that in her previous memo the dates on the agenda were incorrect and she is sending a revised agenda enclosed with the letter. The matching fund meeting starts October 4th and ends October 8th.
Date: May 26, 1993
Creator: Rosenberg, Vicki
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Bill McCarter and Jack Davis to Don R. Roberts, March 26, 1991]

Description: Photocopy of a letter from Bill McCarter and Jack Davis, co-directors of North Texas Institute for Educators on the Visual Arts, to Don R. Roberts, Superintendent for Forth Worth ISD. In discussion of Roberts supportive efforts to implement discipline-art based education, DBAE in Fort Worth. NTIEVA invites Roberts to a reception and dinner on June 29th, to thank him and other retiring superintendents from their consortium districts.
Date: March 26, 1991
Creator: Davis, Donald Jack & McCarter, William
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Cassandra Broadus to Grace Berghauser, April 26, 1991]

Description: Photocopy of a letter from Cassandra Broadus, North Texas Institute for Educators on the Visual Arts, to Grace Berghauser, teacher at Pilot Point Elementary School. Commending Berghauser on her students and their excellent manners and behavior during Broadus's tour of the classroom. Broadus has enclosed an activity that she has written for the Art-O-Gram, an article published for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, she believes Berghauser will find interesting for her classroom.
Date: April 26, 1991
Creator: Broadus, Cassandra
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Jack Davis and Bill McCarter, to Linus Wright, June 26, 1987]

Description: Photocopy of a letter from Jack Davis and Bill McCarter, co-directors of North Texas Institute for Educators on the Visual Arts, to Linus Wright, Superintendent of Dallas ISD. Davis and McCarter regret that Wright was unable to join them for the executive briefing on the North Texas Regional Institute for Educators on the Visual Arts, "North Texas Institute for Educators on the Visual Arts" (NTIEVA), Wednesday, June 19. Following the briefing was an all-day workshop, Friday, June 21 which was a… more
Date: June 26, 1987
Creator: Davis, Donald Jack & McCarter, William
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from John Grisby to Bill McCarter and Jack Davis, January 26, 1994]

Description: Photocopy of a letter from John Grisby, Superintendent for Pilot Point ISD, to Bill McCarter and Jack Davis, co-directors of North Texas Institute for Educators on the Visual Arts. In regards to Pilot Points' commitment as a full time partner in the North Texas Institute for Educators on the Visual Arts as well as their participation in a full two week summer institute. Grisby has attached to the letter stipend worksheets based on the salary of the faculty to be involved with the institute.
Date: January 26, 1994
Creator: Grisby, John
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Note from John Paul Batiste to Deborah, January 1, 1996]

Description: Photocopy of a note from John Paul Batiste, executive director for the Texas Commission on the Arts, to a woman named Deborah, in regards of her wanting a copy of a letter sent from Jack Davis to Paul. The letter from Davis is in regards to a proposal which the Statewide Working Group for Arts Education made to the Tremaine Foundation for funds to assist in assuring the Arts are included in the Goals 2000 education-reform planning process in Texas.
Date: January 26, 1996
Creator: Batiste, John Paul
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Document from Bill McCarter to Beverly Fletcher, March 26, 1991]

Description: Photocopy of a document from Bill McCarter, Co-Director of North Texas Institute for Educators on the Visual Arts, to Beverly Fletcher. The document is separated into two sections, the first section being about Dr. Jack Davis, Provost of UNT and a major figure in Art Education having won many awards for his service to the discipline of art education along with Dr. Bill McCarter, Regents Professor at UNT. Both Davis and McCarter are co-directors of NTIEVA, North Texas Institute for Educators on … more
Date: May 26, 1991
Creator: McCarter, William
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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