59 Matching Results

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[Letter from Isaac H. Kempner to H. W. Paley, September 27, 1955]

Description: Letter from Isaac H. Kempner to H. W. Paley donating to the University of Texas Medical School to be used for research, in memory of Mrs. Edward Randall, Sr..
Date: September 27, 1955
Creator: Kempner, Isaac H. (Isaac Herbert), 1873-1967
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from J. G. Grayson to I. H. Kempner, September 27, 1955]

Description: Letter from J. G. Grayson to I. H. Kempner explaining what steps will be taken to address Kempner's previous letter regarding a refund of extra charges filed during a baggage check.
Date: September 27, 1955
Creator: Grayson, J. G.
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from Charles E. Wilson to I. H. Kempner, September 27, 1954]

Description: Letter from Charles E. Wilson to I. H. Kempner requesting for Kempner to consider becoming a financial supporter to the national Council of Churches. Wilson describes what exactly the Council does, as well as a rough estimate of the number of organizations that support their endeavors.
Date: September 27, 1954
Creator: Wilson, Charles E.
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from I. H. Kempner to Sherwood Brown, September 27, 1944]

Description: Letter from I. H. Kempner to Sherwood Brown discussing three documents related to the dispute over the location of the University of Texas Medical School. He says they are sending Mrs. Olive copies of the documents for her information. He also mentions Donald Markle who wants to send out a large number of copies of the documents to members of the Texas Legislature. He suggests that Mrs. Olive consult with Donald Markle about who should receive copies.
Date: September 27, 1944
Creator: Kempner, Isaac H. (Isaac Herbert), 1873-1967
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from E. S. Holliday to I. H. Kempner, September 27, 1944]

Description: Letter from E. S. Holliday to I. H. Kempner acknowledging a check for $350.00 sent to Senator Karl L. Lovelady and suggests the committee hold onto itemized expense statements until Senator Lovelady completes his work. The Chamber of Commerce is returning a statement totaling $103.27.
Date: September 27, 1944
Creator: Holliday, E. S.
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from W. J. Aicklen to A. T. Whayne, September 27, 1950]

Description: Letter from W. J. Aicklen to A. T. Whayne requesting to find the attached copy of letter from Mr. R. A. Bergstrom regarding Policy No. K-3110503 and asked to deal this matter with him.
Date: September 27, 1950
Creator: Aicklen, W. J.
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from I. Markowitz to D. W. Kempner, September 27, 1918]

Description: Letter from Ike Markowitz to D. W. Kempner providing what information he knows about their grandparents. He expresses hope that Dan will be able to send money to several family members in Europe and says that he has sent $2000, but has not been able to confirm that it's gotten to them. He suggests sending any monetary aid through the Red Cross if possible. He also tells him that Dave Cohen should be able to tell him the names and residences of the Cohen family, and asks him to tell him if he fi… more
Date: September 27, 1918
Creator: Markowitz, Ike
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from J. E. Meyers to I. H. Kempner, September 27, 1952]

Description: Inter-office letter from J. E. Meyers to I. H. Kempner discussing the attached documents and asking they be returned to him by Monday morning. A handwritten note on the letter confirms that the documents were returned to Meyers two days later.
Date: September 27, 1952
Creator: Meyers, J. E.
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from A. F. Carter to I. H. Kempner, September 27, 1945]

Description: Letter from A. F. Carter to I. H. Kempner discussing finding Lieutenant Commander E. P. Adams a job in the oil industry, a job in which Kempner describes Adams being well qualified for due to his time at Yale and the Navy.
Date: September 27, 1945
Creator: Carter, A. F.
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from I. H. Kempner to Ella Sealy Newell, September 27, 1948]

Description: Letter from I. H. Kempner to Ella Sealy Newell discussing newspapers clippings Newell sent discussing methods of raising funds in Greenwich and asking when Newell plans to return to Galveston.
Date: September 27, 1948
Creator: Kempner, Isaac H. (Isaac Herbert), 1873-1967
Partner: Rosenberg Library
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