215 Matching Results

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[Letter From Arthur M. Alpert to Isaac Herbert Kempner, III, July 26, 1965]

Description: Letter From Arthur M. Alpert to Isaac Herbert Kempner, III encloses H. Kempner and United States National Company report of June 30th. It also mentions that they will send audited statement as soon as it was delivered to them.
Date: July 26, 1965
Creator: Alpert, Arthur M.
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from R. M. Armstrong, June 10, 1965]

Description: Letter from R. M. Armstrong discussing contract negotiations with California & Hawaiian Sugar Refining Corporation and how it has affected business with the Coca-Cola Company. Also discussed were the productivity levels as described in the negotiation meeting. Listed are the terms and costs of the contracts.
Date: June 10, 1965
Creator: Armstrong, Robert Markle
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from R. M. Armstrong, June 10, 1965]

Description: Letter from R. M. Armstrong discussing contract negotiations with California & Hawaiian Sugar Refining Corporation. Imperial Sugar Company believes the entire contract should be renegotiated. Imperial has not accepted any offers form C&H yet. Contract details for the Coca Cola Company were also discussed.
Date: June 10, 1965
Creator: Armstrong, Robert Markle
Partner: Rosenberg Library
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