22 Matching Results

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[Inter-Office Letter from R. M. Armstrong to Harris Leon Kempner, May 24, 1960]

Description: Inter-office letter from R. M. Armstrong to Harris Leon Kempner regarding his son, David Armstrong's trip to Europe from middle of June to sometime in September where his itinerary is not fixed but would be spending most of his time in Italy. He mentions that he has no connections there in case of emergency for him, so he's writing this letter to Kempner requesting him to write a letter of introduction for them to someone in his office in Italy for Davis to go and seek for advice or help.
Date: May 24, 1960
Creator: Armstrong, Robert Markle
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from J. A. Phillips to I. H. Kempner, June 24, 1960]

Description: Letter from J. A. Phillips to I. H. Kempner discussing a raw sugar agreement and the sale of Imperial Sugar Company stock to C&H, a company owned by Hawaiian Sugar Planters Association.
Date: June 24, 1960
Creator: Phillips, Jay A.
Partner: Rosenberg Library
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