679 Matching Results

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Search Results

Primary view of [Letter from Charlotte Mexia to Emily de Zavala, April 22, 1837]
Mexia, Charlotte
April 22, 1834
Primary view of [Letter from Jose Antonio Mexia to a Mr. Holmes, September]
Mexia, Jose Antonio
unknown creation date
Primary view of [Draft of letter from Valentin Gomez Farias to Crescencio Rejón]
Gomez Farias, Valentin
November 19, 1844
Primary view of [Draft of letter from Valentin Gomez Farias to General Adrian Woll, Noveber 22, 1844]
Gomez Farias, Valentin
November 22, 1844
Primary view of [Photograph of Letter from Raymond Hamilton to A. S. Baskett]
Hamilton, Raymond
unknown creation date
Primary view of [Photograph of Raymond Hamilton's Hotel Register]
unknown creator
unknown creation date
Primary view of [Letter from Joseph Graham to Thomas Westbrook, May 9th, 1862]
Graham, Jos. & Westbrook, Thomas
May 9, 1862
Primary view of [Letter from Henri Castro to Ferdinand Louis Huth, February 18, 1845]
Castro, Henri
February 18, 1845
Primary view of [Letter from Illies & Co. to Ferdinand Louis Huth, October 13, 1849]
Illies & Co.
October 13, 1849
Primary view of [Letter from V. E. Maignan to Ferdinand Louis Huth, November 24, 1855]
Maignan, V. E.
November 24, 1855
Primary view of [Letter from V. E. Maignan to Ferdinand Louis Huth, January 16, 1856]
Maignan, V. E.
January 16, 1856
Primary view of [Letter from V. E. Maignan to Ferdinand Louis Huth, March 5, 1856]
Maignan, V. E.
March 5, 1856
Primary view of [Letter from V. E. Maignan to Ferdinand Louis Huth, April 5, 1856]
Maignan, V. E.
April 5, 1856
Primary view of [Letter from V. E. Maignan to Ferdinand Louis Huth, April 9, 1856]
Maignan, V. E.
April 9, 1856
Primary view of [Transcript of Letter from W. H. Timmins to Charles B. Moore, August 25, 1861]
unknown creator
unknown creation date
Primary view of [Letter from W. H. Timmins to Charles B. Moore, August 25, 1861]
Timmins, W. H.
August 25, 1861
Primary view of [Transcript of Letter from Edward L. Pettit to Stephen F. Austin, January 6, 1830]
unknown creator
January 6, 1830
Primary view of [Transcript of Letter from James W. Breedlove to Stephen F. Austin, January 9, 1830]
unknown creator
January 9, 1830
Primary view of [Transcript of letter from James W. Breedlove to Stephen F. Austin, January 30, 1830]
unknown creator
January 20, 1830
Primary view of [Transcript of Letter from Thomas F. McCaleb to Stephen F. Austin, March 22, 1830]
unknown creator
March 22, 1830
Primary view of [Transcript of Letter from Joseph Thomas to Stephen F. Austin, March 26, 1830]
unknown creator
March 26, 1830
Primary view of [Transcript of Letter from Thomas F. McCaleb to Stephen F. Austin, April 6, 1830]
unknown creator
April 6, 1830
Primary view of [Transcript of Letter from Nathaniel Cox to Stephen F. Austin, May 11, 1830]
unknown creator
unknown creation date
Primary view of [Transcript of Letter from Nathaniel Cox to Stephen F. Austin, November 12, 1830]
unknown creator
November 12, 1830
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