35 Matching Results

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Conduit Electric Railway.

Description: Patent for a surface trolley for electric railways that operates "upon the surface of the pavement or ground between the tracks of the road, for connecting the car with the motor power, in place of the trolley and over head wires now suspended upon the unsightly poles in the center or at the sides of the street, which are found to be very objectionable on account of their obstructing the passageway in the streets and upon the side walks, and the wires preventing the free movement of fire compan… more
Date: April 11, 1893
Creator: de Voe, William R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

[News Script: Cameron Louisiana]

Description: Script from the WBAP-TV/NBC station in Fort Worth, Texas, covering a news story about a civil defense inspection team visiting Louisiana in the wake of Hurricane Audrey.
Date: July 11, 1957
Creator: WBAP-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from D. W. Kempner to John H. Tucker, Jr. , March 11, 1955]

Description: Letter from D. W. Kempner to John H. Tucker, Jr. discussing Tucker's plans to travel to Germany in the summer, as well as expressing doubt about leaving Galveston due to a family illness. D. W. also clarifies that their previous correspondence was mistakenly made out to "H. Kempner" rather than his own name.
Date: March 11, 1955
Creator: Kempner, Daniel W. (Daniel Webster), 1877-1956
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[News Script: Brown obit]

Description: Script from the WBAP-TV/NBC station in Fort Worth, Texas, relating a news story about Dr. H. C. Brown Junior, a professor of preaching at southern Baptist Theological seminary in Fort Worth who died at a local hospital.
Date: June 11, 1973, 12:00 p.m.
Creator: WBAP-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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