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Barriers to Wholeness

Description: Speech given by Barbara C. Jordan at the United Church of Christ in New Orleans, Louisiana, about how the church may assist in eliminating barriers to wholeness in America.
Date: March 14, 1987
Creator: Jordan, Barbara C.
Partner: Texas Southern University

[Bill of Sale of a Slave Named Adam (or Tircis), December 15, 1859]

Description: Bill of sale witnessed by notary Selim Wagner, containing details of the sale of a slave named Adam or Tircis. Adam was sold for $1,225 by auctioneer for the estate of the deceased Pierre Riviere of New Orleans as directed by his executor, Nicolas Tourne. The buyer was Lucretia Van Woert of Sabine Pass, Texas, though her husband, Theodore Gripon, accepted on her behalf.
Date: December 15, 1859
Creator: New Orleans (La.)
Partner: Museum of the Gulf Coast

[Bills of Sale of a Slave Named Nancy, June 18, 1838]

Description: Bills of sale of a slave named Nancy. The initial bill was written by notary William Christy in New Orleans, Louisiana. Jacob Sevy is selling Nancy, approximately 15, to John Covington Thomas of Gainsville, Alabama, for $1,200. Handwritten bills are added explaining that John C. Thomas sells Nancy to James Chessher in August 1838 for $3,000, who in turn sells her to Stephen Jackson of Jefferson County, Texas, in 1840 for $1,000. A separate paper is included with a description of this document.
Date: June 18, 1838
Creator: New Orleans (La.)
Partner: Museum of the Gulf Coast


Description: Patent for an invention for train cars which "relates to car couplings, and especially to that class of the same which effect an automatic coupling by means of a gravity-hook," (lines 12-15) including instructions and illustrations.
Date: May 13, 1884
Creator: Washburn, Andrew Lynch & Journeay, Abram L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department


Description: Patent for a new and improved carburetor. This design calls for "the apparatus [to be] submerged in water for the purpose of equalizing the temperature of the carbureting-liquid, and thereby imparting a more uniform illuminating quality to the gas; also obviating the danger of explosion from access of flame to the exterior of the apparatus" (para. 2).
Date: July 18, 1876
Creator: Pollard, James M. & Barton, Wallace R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

[Certificate of Award: Best Exhibition of Grape Vines, 1885]

Description: Certificate awarding a "first degree of merit" to T. V. Munson for "Best Exhibit of Grape Vines" at the World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exhibition. The text is surrounded by a decorative border and by illustrations of Native Americans with a shield and a bald eagle (center, top) and of a group of Greek women (center, bottom).
Date: May 30, 1885
Partner: Dallas Historical Society

[Client Card: Acme Marble and Granite Company]

Description: Client card describing work completed at the Roman Bronze Works Foundry for Acme Marble and Granite Company, including a job number, brief description, monetary amount, and dates associated with each entry. Pieces include: "Youth or Childhood," "Maturity or Middle Age," and "Death" plaques (20 x 20"); "Fate" statue; two bronze urns; "Seidel" in bronze letters (4" tall).
Date: 1935-10/1936-01
Creator: Roman Bronze Works Foundry
Partner: Amon Carter Museum

[Client Card: Mr. Edward B. Benjamin]

Description: Client card describing work completed at the Roman Bronze Works Foundry for Mr. Edward B. Benjamin, including a job number, brief description, monetary amount, and dates associated with each entry. Pieces included: "Moonfish Girl" (17.5" x 37"), and "Duck" (19.5" x 15" x 16.75").
Date: 1961-03-09/1961-04-24
Creator: Roman Bronze Works Foundry
Partner: Amon Carter Museum

[Copy of Letter from Daniel W. Kempner to Mark Heller, March 12, 1951]

Description: Letter from Daniel W. Kempner to Mark F. Heller discussing potentially delaying the printing of more advertising materials until next year. Mr. Kempner also inquiries about if Mr. Heller has located the manufacturer of the Bucherer Clocks he is looking for. Mr. Kempner then says he's enclosing information on how to transfer blocked Marks.
Date: March 12, 1951
Creator: Kempner, Daniel W. (Daniel Webster), 1877-1956
Partner: Rosenberg Library
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