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[Three people standing in the George Ranch house yard]

Description: Color photograph of three people standing in the George Ranch house yard. Albert Peyton George is on far left; Mamie George is on far right. The three appear to be discussing a large bush (crepe myrtle ?) on the right side of the photograph. There is a rock lined circle partially seen in right foreground with a white bench just beyond it. Trees and fence in background. Black text on back of photo: "This Is A KodaColor Print Made By Eastman Kodak Company T. M. Regis. U. S. Pat. Off. Week of May … more
Date: May 29, 1950
Partner: George Ranch Historical Park

[Three people standing on the sidewalk]

Description: Color photograph of three people standing (left) on the sidewalk in front of the George Ranch house. Second and third person from left are: Mamie George and Albert Peyton George. Mamie and Albert are standing directly in front of a trellis made from wire and metal pipe that is supporting a crepe myrtle. The east side of the George Ranch house shows the front cement steps leading to the covered porch area. Gladiolas and shrubbery are planted in a row trimmed with rock along the sidewalk in the f… more
Date: May 29, 1950
Partner: George Ranch Historical Park

[The driveway leading to the George Ranch house]

Description: Color photograph of the driveway leading to the George Ranch house. The left of photo shows oak trees with surrounding shrubbery and flowers. The neatly trimmed edges near the cement drive fork off at a triangular area that contains a pine tree surrounded by gladiolas. The opposite side of the triangular area has more oak trees with shrubbery and flowers. Beyond the foliage lined driveway is a George Ranch pasture. Text on back of photo reads: "This Is A KodaColor Print Made By Eastman Kodak Co… more
Date: May 29, 1950
Partner: George Ranch Historical Park

The Crosson Family

Description: Paper written by Jon Polson for his history class at Marfa High School on January 29, 1978. It is about the family of George and Lizzie Crosson, two of the earliest settlers in west Texas. They arrived by covered wagon in 1866-1867. The started the Goat Mountain Ranch and had five children.
Date: January 29, 1978
Creator: Polson, Jon
Partner: Marfa Public Library
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