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[Wall Decorations]

Description: Photograph of two separate wall ornaments. The first, marked "26" looks like the top of a column with a curled figure in the middle and a flat top. The second, marked "31," looks like a gate with several decorative rods running up and down and a half arch border decorated with curled figures and diamond shapes. Attached to the photograph is a typewritten text that reads "U.S. Ct. Ho; Cu. House; and Post Office Brownsville, Texas May 31st-1932."
Date: May 31, 1932
Creator: A. Rogers Studio
Partner: Brownsville Historical Association


Description: Patent for a can opener, which has a movable blade to allow for easy cleaning.
Date: May 31, 1910
Creator: Allen, Jasper McDonnel
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Wick Trimmer.

Description: Patent for a new and improved wick trimmer. This design "is to provide a lamp-wick trimmer with adjustable guides that will afford means to retain the implement in correct position for use on lamp-wick tubes of different sizes, and furthermore to furnish the wick-trimmer with blades that will shear the wick from each side edge toward the center simultaneously" (lines 7-14).
Date: May 31, 1892
Creator: Andrews, Daniel L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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