189 Matching Results

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Primary view of [Letter from Fannie McKinny to parents, June 23 1883]
McKinny, Fannie
June 23, 1883
Primary view of [Letter from David Fentress to his wife Clara, June 23, 1863]
Fentress, David
June 23, 1863
Primary view of [Transcript of  Letter from David Fentress to Clara, June 23, 1863]
unknown creator
June 23, 1863
Primary view of [Letter from Charles de Montel to Ferdinand Louis Huth, June 23, 1845]
de Montel, Charles
June 23, 1845
Primary view of [Letter from Matilda Dodd and Adelitia McGee to Mary Ann and Charles B. Moore, June 23, 1885]
Dodd, Matilda & McGee, Adelitia
June 23, 1885
Primary view of [Letter from C. B. Moore, June 23, 1901]
Moore, C. B.
June 23, 1901
Primary view of [Transcript of an Exchange of Letters Between Ramón Músquiz and Stephen F. Austin, June 1828]
Músquiz, Ramón & Austin, Stephen F.
Primary view of [Transcript of Letter from the Citizens of the Republic of Texas to Memucan Hunt, June 23, 1836]
unknown creator
June 23, 1836
Primary view of [Transcript of Letter from José Antonio Saucedo to the Governor, June 23, 1827]
Saucedo, José Antonio
June 23, 1827
Primary view of [Letter from Meyer Bodansky to Robert A. Kilduffe - June 23, 1937]
Bodansky, Meyer, 1896-1941
June 23, 1937
Primary view of [Letter from Meyer Bodansky to Robert A. Kilduffe - June 23, 1937]
Bodansky, Meyer, 1896-1941
June 23, 1937
Primary view of [Letter from George Cuffle to George W. Wade, June 23, 1867]
Cuffle, George
June 23, 1867
Primary view of [Letter from Manuel Rodriguez-Bascur and Roberto Rocha to Manuel Gonzales - 1977-06-23]
Rodriguez-Bascur, Manuel & Rocha, Roberto
June 23, 1977
Primary view of [Letter from Neville G. Penrose to Alfred J. Hernandez - 1966-06-23]
Penrose, Neville G.
June 23, 1966
Primary view of [Notice of Capias Pro Fine Issued to John J. Herrera - 1959-06-23]
Kern, Clairville V.
June 23, 1959
Primary view of [Letter from Charles Schnabel to Barbara Jordan, June 23, 1967]
Schnabel, Charles A.
June 23, 1967
Primary view of [Letter from T.W. Thomas to Lizzie Johnson, dated June 23, 1876]
Thomas, T. W.
June 23, 1876
Primary view of [Letter from W. M. Peck to Annie Peck - June 23, 1886]
Peck, W. M.
June 23, 1886
Primary view of [Letter from Ingrid Griggs to Lieutenant Colonel Charles R. Griggs, June 23, 1965]
Griggs, Ingrid
June 23, 1965
Primary view of [Letter from Max R. Woodward to Edith M. Bonnet, June 23, 1958]
Woodward, Max R.
June 23, 1958
Primary view of [Letter from Orphan's Friend Lodge to David C. Dickson, June 23, 1877]
Orphan's Friend Lodge
June 23, 1877
Primary view of [Letter from Richardson to David C. Dickson - June 23, 1855]
June 23, 1855
Primary view of [Letter from H. W. Ragland to David C. Dickson - June 23, 1855]
Ragland, H. W.
June 23, 1855
Primary view of [Letter from Peter K. Wilson to Charles A. Prince, June 23, 1942]
Wilson, Peter K.
June 23, 1942
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