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["Joy to the World" Billboard]

Description: Photograph of a holiday-themed billboard with an image of Joseph and Mary holding baby Jesus at left, next to the text "Joy to the World." The name of the bank is printed below the image: "The United States National Bank." The top portion of a red car is visible at the bottom of the photo.
Date: 1965-12~
Partner: Rosenberg Library

["Good Will to All" Billboard]

Description: Photograph of a holiday-themed billboard advertisement for the United States National Bank of Galveston, featuring a man wearing a red coat lighting an old-fashioned street-lamp with the text "Good Will to All..." Buildings are visible in the background of the image and a holly bush with berries is in the lower-left corner. The billboard is in an area enclosed by a chain-link fence and buildings are visible behind it.
Date: 1965-12~
Partner: Rosenberg Library
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