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[Amendments to Raw Sugar Agreement with Imperial Sugar Company, July 30, 1965]

Description: Report documenting the amendments to the raw sugar agreement with Imperial Sugar Company proposed by California & Hawaiian Sugar Refining Corporation. The contract documents the purchase agreement for Imperial Sugar Company for raw sugars. It also shows the average annual allowance and price for sugar.
Date: July 30, 1965
Creator: Imperial Sugar Company
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Amendments to Raw Sugar Agreement with Imperial Sugar Company, July 30, 1965]

Description: Report documenting the amendments to the raw sugar agreement with Imperial Sugar Company proposed by California & Hawaiian Sugar Refining Corporation. The contract documents the purchase agreement for Imperial Sugar Company for raw sugars. It also shows the average annual allowance and price for sugar.
Date: July 30, 1965
Creator: Imperial Sugar Company
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[American Management Association General Management Workshop Seminar #2138 Outline]

Description: Report from the American Management Association discussing how to solve growth problems in a family-held business. The repot outlines major characteristics and problems in family-held businesses, as well as solutions and financial reporting advice. Handwritten background information is provided for participants and their companies.
Date: 1965
Creator: American Management Association
Partner: Rosenberg Library

["Bank With Us" Billboard]

Description: Photograph of a billboard advertisement with the text "Big and friendly, United States National Bank. Bank with U.S." to the right of a three-dimensional image of the bank building. A two-story building with a split two-tone colored siding is visible behind the angled posts of the billboard.
Date: 1964~
Creator: Jules Lauve, Jr., Incorporated
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Clipping: Bitter Lessons]

Description: Clipping from Forbes describing the creation of Great Western Sugar Company by William M. White. The writer discusses the negative financial impact of White's ownership and that earnings and profits have declined. White runs another company, Great Western Cities, that has also not performed well financially.
Date: November 15, 1971
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Clipping: Brazoria Boom Buds]

Description: Photocopy of a clipping from The Houston Post of an article describing land purchases near Highway 288 in Houston. Construction plans for the highway and Loop 610 are to be completed in the late 1970s. A list of prospective properties and the owners are provided.
Date: September 16, 1973
Creator: Hooper, Carl
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Clipping: Farmers Underwrite Sugar Plan]

Description: Photocopy of a clipping from the Amarillo Daily News of the article, "Farmers Underwrite Sugar Plan," describing farmers contributions to a sugar factory. Also included is a pamphlet discussing the history and yield of sugar beets, along with the economic benefits and feed value.
Date: February 23, 1965
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Clipping: First Fortified Sugar Introduced by Local Firm]

Description: Clipping from The Cincinnati Enquirer describing fortified sugar, a new product. The clipping notes the naturalization of many industries, including food, to cut out harmful preservatives. The fortification of foods by the FDA is discussed. The daily minimum requirements of some vitamins and minerals are listed.
Date: June 27, 1973
Creator: Lambert, Judith
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Clipping: First Fortified Sugar Introduced by Local Firm]

Description: Photocopy of a clipping from The Cincinnati Enquirer describing fortified sugar, a new product. The clipping notes the naturalization of many industries, including food, to cut out harmful preservatives. The fortification of foods by the FDA is discussed. The daily minimum requirements of some vitamins and minerals are listed.
Date: June 27, 1973
Creator: Lambert, Judith
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Clipping: How Sweet It Is: Demand for High-Fructose Corn Syrup Far Exceeds Supply]

Description: Clipping from Barron's describing the acquisition of Hubinger Company by H. J. Heinz Company. The sugar prices rose dramatically from 1970-1974. New ways to convert dextrose into fructose are being discovered and sold on the market. It is written that corn syrup producers hold advantages in processing over sugar refiners as they are able to have higher production rates.
Date: December 1, 1975
Creator: Nagdeman, Julian J.
Partner: Rosenberg Library
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