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[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, December 11, 1944]

Description: Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on December 11, 1944, telling about a movie he saw recently. He says it was pretty good, but he's seen better. He also complains about the cold, but he's put paper between his mattress and the bed springs, so he thinks he'll be warmer.
Date: December 11, 1944
Creator: Willis, John Todd, Jr.
Partner: Private Collection of T. B. Willis

[Memorandum from Major L. M. Fellbaum to T. N. Carswell - December 11, 1944]

Description: A memorandum from L. M. Fellbaum, Major, Q. M. C., Chief, Field Division to Mr. T. N. Carswell, dated December 11, 1944. The memorandum is a reprimand from Fellbaum regarding the importance that Carswell keep headquarters informed of his present location. A handwritten sidenote from Fellbaum softens the reprimand by stating that this is nothing but nagging. The reverse side includes a handwritten note by Carswell documenting a telephone conversation with Fellbaum defending his reporting of his … more
Date: December 11, 1944
Creator: Fellbaum, L. M.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library
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