17 Matching Results

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Primary view of [Transcript of letter from Manuel de Mier y Terán to Stephen F. Austin, March 1831]
unknown creator
March 1831
Primary view of [Transcript of letter from W. W. Hunter to Fill Ferguson and Co., March 1831]
unknown creator
March 1831
Primary view of [Transcript of letter from [W. W. Hunter] to Rodgers and Slocumb, [March 1831]]
unknown creator
March 1831
Primary view of [Transcript of letter from W. W. Hunter to John G. Stevenson, March 6, 1831]
unknown creator
March 6, 1831
Primary view of [Transcript of indenture between Stephen F. Austin, Stephen F. Austin, Jr., James F. Perry, Emily Austin Bryan Perry, and Daniel Graham, March 14, 1831]
unknown creator
March 14, 1831
Primary view of [Transcript of letter from H. Toler to Henry Austin, March 20, 1831]
unknown creator
March 20, 1831
Primary view of [Transcript of an invoice for land fees, March 1, 1832]
unknown creator
March 1, 1832
Primary view of [Transcript of announcement from Antonio López de Santa Anna to his troops, March 4, 1832]
unknown creator
March 4, 1832
Primary view of [Transcript of letter from Perry and Hunter to John G. Stevenson, March 12, 1832]
unknown creator
March 12, 1832
Primary view of [Transcript of letter from James W. Breedlove to Stephen F. Austin, March 14, 1832]
unknown creator
March 14, 1832
Primary view of [Transcript of letter from H. H. League to Stephen F. Austin, March 26, 1832]
unknown creator
March 26, 1832
Primary view of [Transcript of accounts for McKinstry and Austin, May 3, 1833]
unknown creator
March 3, 1833
Primary view of [Transcript of Letter from Stephen F. Austin to James Wilson, March 12, 1833]
Austin, Stephen F.
March 12, 1833
Primary view of [Transcript of account between James F. Perry and Israel McGready, March 23, 1833]
unknown creator
March 23, 1833
Primary view of [Transcript of account for Stephen F. Austin, which was settled by James F. Perry, March 25, 1839]
unknown creator
March 25, 1839
Primary view of [Transcript of memorandum of claims made by M. Pease, March 5, 1841]
unknown creator
March 5, 1841
Primary view of [Transcript of petition from Philip S. Whitesid, March 4, 1843]
unknown creator
March 4, 1843
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