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[Calendar for 1912]

Description: Cover of the Tiffany and Company calendar for the year 1912, bound in full brown leather with gilt decorations.
Date: 1911
Creator: Tiffany and Company
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Catalog of Chappell Hill Female College, 1911

Description: Catalog describing the governance, history, admission requirements, course offerings, university calendar, and campus life of Chappell Hill Female College in Chappell Hill, Texas.
Date: 1911
Creator: Chappell Hill Female College
Partner: Chappell Hill Historical Society Museum

Catalog of John Tarleton Agricultural College, 1910-1911

Description: Annual catalog for John Tarleton Agricultural College describing the school, admission requirements, tuition, financial aid, departments, and classes for the 1910 - 1911 school year, with announcements for 1911 - 1912.
Date: 1911
Creator: Tarleton State College
Partner: Tarleton State University

Catalogue of Daniel Baker College, 1910-1911

Description: Catalogue describes the governance,history, course offerings, and campus life of Daniel Baker College in Brownwood, Texas.
Date: April 1911
Creator: Daniel Baker College (Brownwood, Tex.)
Partner: Howard Payne University Library

Catalogue of Howard Payne College, 1911-1912

Description: Catalogue describes the governance, course offerings, and campus life of Howard Payne College in Brownwood, Texas.
Date: 1911~
Creator: Howard Payne College (Brownwood, Tex.)
Partner: Howard Payne University Library

Catalogue of Simmons College, 1910-1911

Description: Catalogue describes the governance, history, admission requirements, course offerings, and campus life of Simmons College in Abilene, Texas.
Date: 1911
Creator: Simmons College (Abilene, Tex.)
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

Catalogue of The Kelley School, 1910-1911

Description: The catalog for The Kelley School includes information about the institution, calendars, course offerings, a register of students, and photographs.
Date: 1911
Creator: The Kelley School
Partner: Austin History Center, Austin Public Library

A City Plan for Dallas

Description: Report of the Park Board in Dallas, Texas, including the text of the proposed city plan, called the "Kessler Plan." The plan describes suggested changes to the city including building levees; creating a belt railroad; building a union station; creating freight terminals; organizing a civic center; eliminating railroad grade crossings in downtown districts; extending roads in downtown areas; building parks, parkways, and boulevards; and adding playgrounds throughout the city. The text includes… more
Date: 1911
Creator: Kessler, George E.
Partner: Dallas Municipal Archives

The Gift of the Wise Men

Description: A short story about the secret Christmas gifts that a young married couple with little money buy for each other.
Date: 1911
Creator: Henry, O., 1862-1910
Partner: Austin History Center, Austin Public Library

Indian Tribes of the Lower Mississippi Valley and Adjacent Coast of the Gulf of Mexico

Description: Book describing various tribes of the lower Mississippi Valley and adjacent coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Includes information on: the tribes' locations; dress and ornaments; tattooing; arts and industries; economic life; medicine; birth, education, and the division of labor; games; etiquette; marriage; social organization; feasts; war; funeral ceremonies; religions; and origin of the tribe.
Date: 1911
Creator: Swanton, John Reed
Partner: UNT Libraries

The Laws of Texas, 1911 [Volume 15]

Description: Supplement Volume to the Original Ten Volumes compiled and arranged by H.P.N Gammel of Austin.
Date: 1911
Creator: Gammel, Hans Peter Mareus Neilsen
Partner: UNT Libraries

The Man Higher Up

Description: This collection of short stories was No. 4 in the Sunday American's Summer Library of Gems of Short Fiction. The volume contains the following stories: "The Man Higher Up," "A Tempered Wind," and "Innocents of Broadway."
Date: 1911
Creator: Henry, O., 1862-1910
Partner: Austin History Center, Austin Public Library

Mexico. El triunfo de la revolucion o el grito de un pueblo.

Description: This work provides a personal account regarding the author’s struggle against the Diaz regime. It includes as an introduction a letter to Francisco I. Madero, whom the author terms the caudillo of the Mexican Revolution. Includes text of resignations of Porfirio Díaz and Francisco Madero.
Date: 1911
Creator: Illán, Rafael
Partner: University of Texas at El Paso

Mexico. El Triunfo de la Revolución o El Grito de un Pueblo.

Description: Book describing the start of the Mexican Revolution and its immediate impact on the people and the country, organized into two parts: Primera Parte. Mi campaña revolucionaria en la prensa de oposición, hasta la rendición de Ciudad Juárez [Part 1. My revolutionary campaign in the opposition press, until the surrender of Juarez]; and Segunda Parte. Labor pacificadora y propaganda democrática [Part 2. Peacekeeping work and democratic propaganda].
Date: 1911
Creator: Illán, Ravael
Partner: University of Texas at El Paso
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