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[Commencement Program for North Texas State Normal College, May 28, 1912]

Description: Commencement program for the 1912 graduating class of North Texas State Normal College. The program is a plain sheet of cardstock. The program reads, "North Texas State Normal College. Tuesday, May 28, 1912 10:00 AM. Commencement Exercises. Program. Processional March...Normal Band. Invocation...Rev. F. L. McFadden. May Morning...Flotow. Trio Club. Commencement Address...Dr. W. S. Sutton Austin. Parting Song...Silcher. Orpheus Octette. Awarding Diplomas and Certificates."
Date: May 1912
Creator: North Texas State Normal College
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

C. A. Johnston Residence: Sheet 6

Description: Right side elevation plan for a residence at 2015 Beech Street in Texarkana, Arkansas. It includes markings for a shingled roof, GI crickets, C.P. tops, shingles, lattice screen, galvanized iron ridge finials, and slip head woods, along with neatly labeled scale drawings and markings. Scale 1:48 inches.
Date: 1912
Creator: Witt, Seibert & Co.
Partner: Texarkana Museum System

C. A. Johnston Residence: Sheet 7

Description: Left side elevation plan for a residence at 2015 Beech Street in Texarkana, Arkansas. It includes markings for a shingled roof, GI crickets, C.P. tops, shingles, lattice screen, galvanized iron ridge finials, floor lines, ceiling lines along with neatly labeled scale drawings and markings. Scale 1:48 inches.
Date: 1912
Creator: Witt, Seibert & Co.
Partner: Texarkana Museum System

C. A. Johnston Residence: Sheet 8

Description: Rear elevation plan for a residence at 2015 Beech Street in Texarkana, Arkansas. It includes markings for a shingled roof, GI crickets, C.P. tops, shingles, lattice screen, galvanized iron ridge finials, and tin roof standing seam. It also details the casements in front of the dining room, with neatly labeled scale drawings and markings. Scale 1:48 inches.
Date: 1912
Creator: Witt, Seibert & Co.
Partner: Texarkana Museum System

C. A. Johnston Residence: Sheet 9

Description: Section through the porch for a residence at 2015 Beech Street in Texarkana, Arkansas. It includes markings for sheathing, finish flooring, and plaster. It also features a separate diagram of the section through the back porch, with markings for pearl screen wire, siding, baluster, flash, and counter flash around the post. Scale 1:16 inches.
Date: 1912
Creator: Witt, Seibert & Co.
Partner: Texarkana Museum System

Joanna M. Henry Residence: Sheet 3

Description: Rear elevation and front elevation plan for a two-story residence in Texarkana, Arkansas. It includes details of slip head woods and a section of the rear porch, with all detailed measurements and labeled, precise scale drawings. Scale 1:48 inches.
Date: December 6, 1912
Creator: Witt, Seibert & Co.
Partner: Texarkana Museum System

Joanna M. Henry Residence: Sheet 5

Description: Elevation plan for a two-story residence in Texarkana, Arkansas. It includes details of the living room. Additionally, it features small drawings of the foundation plan, first floor plan, and section plan, all with detailed measurements and labeled, precise scale drawings.
Date: December 6, 1912
Creator: Witt, Seibert & Co.
Partner: Texarkana Museum System

Joanna M. Henry Residence: Sheet 4

Description: Right side and left side elevation plans for a two-story residence in Texarkana, Arkansas. Both are separate drawings, one above the other, and include detailing of the cabinet in the pantry (elevation). All plans feature precise scale drawings. Scale 1:48 inches.
Date: December 6, 1912
Creator: Witt, Seibert & Co.
Partner: Texarkana Museum System


Description: Patent for coffee pot attachment to prevent coffee grounds from getting into the coffee pot's spout.
Date: January 2, 1912
Creator: Voyles, Thomas J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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