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[1.00 Trade Token]

Description: One of a collection of 244 miscellaneous "Texas Trade Tokens." On one side, this coin says, "In Trade Only, 1.00" with a logo and a patent date, "Pat. Apr. 7th, 1914; on the other it has the text: "C. W. Ehlinger, 1.00, Not Transferable."
Date: 1914~
Partner: Star of the Republic Museum

[1.00 Trade Token]

Description: One of a collection of 244 miscellaneous "Texas Trade Tokens." On one side, this coin says, "In Trade Only, 1.00" with a logo and a patent date, "Pat. Apr. 7th, 1914; on the other it has the text: "C. W. Ehlinger, 1.00, Not Transferable."
Date: 1914~
Partner: Star of the Republic Museum
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