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[Conservatory Visitors, Near Waterfall]

Description: Photograph of visitors to the Conservatory at the Fort Worth Botanic Garden. The visitors, consisting of around three adults and several children, stand along a metal fence looking into a display of plants, with the Conservatory's waterfall visible on the very right. Hanging bushes of purple and yellow flowers, as well as larger bushes drooping along the ceiling, are visible above the guests. Behind the guests are doors or windows leading into the Garden Center.
Date: [..1991-10]
Partner: Botanical Research Institute of Texas

[Fragrance Garden Planters #1]

Description: Photograph of the Fragrance Garden at the Fort Worth Botanic Garden. Four elevated planters made of yellow tiles sit in pairs on opposite ends with two long rectangular flower beds in between, and are occupied by short bushes and shrubs between tiled stone brick footpaths. A large semicircular fountain, also elevated, is visible on the right at the end of the flower beds, with small bushes of flowers along the fountain's curve. The garden is bordered by a short brick wall with flourished bud-li… more
Date: [..1991-06]
Partner: Botanical Research Institute of Texas

[Japanese Garden Lake Arbor]

Description: Photograph of Lake Arbor, a pavilion overlooking the pond in the Japanese Garden at the Fort Worth Botanic Garden. The wooden pavilion, topped with a gable roof, contains benches, thin wooden railings, and rests on stilts projecting to the stony sloped edge of the pond. Trees and foliage cover and surround the pavilion.
Date: [..1991-01]
Partner: Botanical Research Institute of Texas

Oral History Interview with Freddie Allen and Ola Lee Allen, 1991

Description: Interview with Freddie and Ola Lee Allen concerning their experiences as residents of Hamilton Park, Texas from 1959 to 1991. The Allens discuss their segregated education in East Texas, their decision to buy a home in Hamilton Park, home improvements, zoning problems, PTA and other school involvement, flooding problems, the desegregation of Hamilton Park School, property restrictions, and the "Buy Out."
Date: {1991-02-24,1991-03-03}
Creator: Wilson, William H. (William Henry), 1935-; Allen, Freddie & Allen, Ola Lee
Partner: UNT Oral History Program

Oral History Interviews with Eiland Collins, 1991

Description: Interview with Eiland Collins, a community leader, concerning his experiences as a resident of Hamilton Park, Texas from 1962 to 1991. Collins discusses his childhood in East Texas, his segregated education, Civic League and its activities, property violations, home improvements, his presidency of the Civic League, zoning problems, the "Buy Out," and current neighborhood problems.
Date: {1991-01-18,1991-03-12}
Creator: Wilson, William H. (William Henry), 1935- & Collins, Eiland
Partner: UNT Oral History Program

Oral History Interviews with Sheila R. Allen, 1991

Description: Interview with Sheila Allen concerning her experiences as a resident of Hamilton Park, Texas from 1958 to 1991. Allen discusses her education at Hamilton Park School, the desegregation of Hamilton Park School, her experiences at Richardson Junior High, her experiences in law school at the University of Texas, the relationships between Hamilton Park and other African-American communities, school activities as a teenager, and the "Buy Out."
Date: {1991-06-21,1991-09-04}
Creator: Wilson, William H. (William Henry), 1935- & Allen, Sheila R.
Partner: UNT Oral History Program

Oral History Interviews with Vivian T. Starks, 1991

Description: Interview with Vivian Starks, a schoolteacher, concerning her experiences as a resident of Hamilton Park, Texas from 1954 to 1991. Starks discusses her segregated education in Bryan, Texas, Wiley College, her teaching career in segregated Dallas schools, her decision to buy a home in Hamilton Park, transportation problems, home improvements, church activities, Civic League, the "Buy Out," zoning problems, Interorganizational Council and political activities, employment at Hamilton Park School, … more
Date: {1991-04-23,1991-05-08}
Creator: Wilson, William H. (William Henry), 1935- & Starks, Vivian T.
Partner: UNT Oral History Program

Oral History Interviews with Zan W. Holmes Jr., 1991

Description: Interview with Zan W. Holmes, Jr., a clergyman and community leader, concerning his experiences as a resident of Hamilton Park, Texas during the 1950s and 1960s. Holmes discusses his youth and adolescent years in Waco, segregated education, college at Huston-Tillotson (1952-1956), entry to Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University (1956), organizing the Hamilton Park Methodist Church and his partnership there, his home in Hamilton Park, his political activities, church youth p… more
Date: {1991-09-19,1991-11-05}
Creator: Wilson, William H. (William Henry), 1935- & Holmes, Zan W., Jr.
Partner: UNT Oral History Program

[Trial Garden Planting Beds]

Description: Photograph of the Trial Garden's entry sign at the Fort Worth Botanic Garden. The entry sign, reading "Trial Garden" with a plant symbol on its left, sits on a rectangular bed of purple bluemink flowers. Tiled stone paths are visible around and along the various flower beds in the garden, some elevated and contained by walls made of wooden planks. Behind one planting bed, which contains only uneven mounds of soil, stands a man identified as a master gardener, who holds a tool in his right hand.
Date: [..1991-06]
Partner: Botanical Research Institute of Texas


Description: Document explaining Xeriscape landscaping techniques and listing the Xeriscape flora for South and Central Texas.
Date: [..1991]
Creator: South/Central Texas Xeriscape
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

7 L Ranch Quadrangle

Description: Topographic map of a portion of Texas from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) project. The map includes towns, historic or notable sites, bodies of water, and other geologic features. Scale 1:24,000
Date: 1991
Creator: Geological Survey (U.S.)
Location: 31.44 -102.94
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

9-1-1 Caller, Volume 3, Number 1, January/February 1991

Description: Bimonthly newsletter of the Texas Advisory Commission on State Emergency Communications discussing news and activities of the organization as well as other information related to 9-1-1 services and other emergency communication within Texas.
Date: January 1991
Creator: Texas. Advisory Commission on State Emergency Communications.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

[216 S. Magnolia]

Description: Close-up photograph of a white, two-story house located at 216 S. Magnolia, Palestine, Texas. There is some decorative woodwork along the eaves and corners of the house, and there is a green awning over the front porch.
Date: 1991~
Creator: McReynolds, Oliver
Partner: Palestine Public Library

[512 N. John - Eilenberger's Bakery]

Description: Photograph of a portion of Eilenberger’s Bakery located at 512 N. John in Palestine, Texas. It is a two-story, brick Two-part Commercial Block building; the portion on the left is painted white with a red door and the portion on the right is red brick with siding on the lower floor. There are green awnings above the doors and windows; the one above the entrance on the left says "Eilenberger's Bake Shop."
Date: 1991~
Creator: McReynolds, Oliver
Partner: Palestine Public Library

[708 S. Sycamore]

Description: Photograph of the front and south side of a 2 ½-story frame house located at 708 S. Sycamore in Palestine, Texas. It is painted red with white trim and has Queen Anne-style architecture, including a 3-story corner tower.
Date: 1991~
Creator: McReynolds, Oliver
Partner: Palestine Public Library
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