Photograph taken from the road of one short side of a 1 1/2 story stone building (located at Northwest corner West 6th and Forrest) in Georgetown, Texas. The building has two doors and three windows, all with woodwork. Other buildings as well as a person are also visible in the right side of the image.
Photograph of one short side the 1 1/2 Story Stone Building (located at Northwest corner West 6th and Forrest) in Georgetown, Texas. The building has two doors with woodwork, and three windows of the same size. Cars parked near the building in the right side of the image.
Photograph of several connected commercial buildings (located at 715 Main) in Georgetown, Texas, which have different heights and architectural details along the roofline. Names and numbers are visible on the first two buildings on the left side. Ads are also visible in the forefronts of the stores. The left-most store is identified as a beauty-aids store with address 1902, and the middle one is City Pharmacy with address of 1885. Cars are parked on the street in front of the buildings.
Photograph of several connected one-story commercial buildings (located at 219 8th) in Georgetown, Texas, which have multiple stores with unidentified business. The building in the middle has three arches of exactly the same pattern and size, three double doors with woodwork, and two small windows on the wall. A ladder and a parking lot is also visible on the side of the photo. The words painted on the middle building say "MODERN ELECTRIC".
Photograph of several connected commercial buildings that are of different heights (located at 703-705 Main) in Georgetown, Texas. A plant is placed in the middle of the forefronts. There is a parking lot visible on the left side of the image, and a car parked on the street in the left-most section of the photo. The words in the middle of the photo say " S.T.A TKIN FURNITURE CO."
Photograph of several connected commercial buildings (located at 703-705 Main) in Georgetown, Texas, which have different heights. The buildings have architectural details along the roofline. Several chairs are visible in the right-most section of the forefronts. Two cars are parked on the street in the photo.Part of the words appear on the left side of the image say "FURNITURE CO.".
Photograph of several connected one-story commercial buildings (located at 824 Austin) in Georgetown, Texas, that have architectural details along the roofline. There is a business entrance in the left-most section and storefronts visible for an antique store and unidentified business. There is a parking lot visible on the left side of the image, and a car parked on the street in the center of the photo.
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