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[Letter from Charles B. Moore to Mary Ann Moore, August 22, 1989]

Description: This is a letter from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by Charles B. Moore and is addressed to Mary Ann Moore. In this letter, Moore details his trip to Colorado for Mary Ann Moore and Laura Jernigan. He notes the town they are staying in at present, Manitou, and mentions their living quarters. He details the activities they have been experiencing such as hiking, searching for caves, and riding electric trolley's up to Pike's peak. He discusses that once on top of the peak, Linnet… more
Date: August 22, 1898
Creator: Moore, Charles B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from from Claude D. White to Linnet Moore, August 20, 1901]

Description: Letter from Claude White to Linnet Moore in which he tells her of a murder in Whitesboro, Texas. He says that an African American was captured, confessed, and was burned at the stake. He says that he will send her the full account of the incident in the Dallas News. He says that he makes $60.00 a month and asks her if she thinks they can live on that salary.
Date: August 20, 1901
Creator: White, Claude D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Belle George to her friends and family, 1898]

Description: Letter from Belle George in Tellico Plains, Tennessee, to her friends and family (the "home folks") in 1898. In the letter, Belle describes the events that took place during a great rain storm and subsequent river flooding in Tellico Plains, near the Tellico Lumber mill. While trying to secure her belongings and escape the home of Mr. Heyser, the general manager of Tellico Lumber, Belle fell into the water beneath a rearing horse ("Joe the horse"). She was saved by John Ballon, a black preacher… more
Date: 1898
Creator: George, Belle
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Hand-drawn Map of Texas and Mexico]

Description: An undated map from the C. B. Moore Collection. This document has two hand-drawn maps with numbered lists that explain each point on the maps. The map's numbered lists detail cities in Texas and in Mexico.
Date: unknown
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Name Card]

Description: A name card from the C. B. Moore Collection. This card has the name John J. Ligstein printed on it in script. It also has the city Chicago printed on it on the lower right hand corner of the card.
Date: unknown
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Business Card for T. M. Brown & Co.]

Description: A business card for T. M. Brown & Co. from the C. B. Moore Collection. This business card details the company's products which were wind mills; well casing, pipe, and fittings; and a full line of engineer's supplies. The card notes that this company manufactured Louisiana Cypress Tanks. The store was located on the corner of Front and Rusk Streets in Fort Worth, Texas. The name John Bryant is stamped on the card.
Date: unknown
Creator: T. M. Brown & Co.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Stephen T. Rivers [Business Card]

Description: A business card for Stephen T. Rives from the C. B. Moore Collection. This business card details the Rives' line of work which was a livestock commission merchant. The card notes that Rives' office was located in the National Stock Yards in East St. Louis, Illinois.
Date: unknown
Creator: Rives, Stephen T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Clipping: 1854--Extraordinary Season.]

Description: Newspaper clipping containing a chart of the range of temperatures in the shade from June 24, 1854 to September 14, 1854. It notes that Flowers, a person located on Union Street, kept record of these temperatures for the newspaper. There are miscellaneous advertisements on the reverse side.
Date: 1854
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Clipping: 1854 Temperatures]

Description: Newspaper clipping containing a chart of the range of temperatures in the shade from June 24, 1854 to September 14, 1854. It notes that Flowers, a person located on Union Street, kept record of these temperatures for the newspaper. There is part of an article on the reverse side.
Date: 1854
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Clipping, January 1855]

Description: A newspaper clipping from the Charles B. Moore Collection. the clipping details a meteorological table for the month of January in the year of 1855. The table records these variables for January: the morning, afternoon, and evening temperatures; the mean temperature of the month; the barometer reading; the monthly rainfall; and the direction of the wind. The table also includes the total rain fall for the month and the calculated mean temperature.
Date: January 1855
Creator: Louisville Journal
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Newspaper Fragment]

Description: A newspaper clipping that details the yearly rainfall amounts from 1839 to 1861. This fragment is torn and the missing pieces makes the rainfall table unintelligible.
Date: unknown
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Clipping, 1898]

Description: Two newspaper clippings from the Charles B. Moore Collection. The first clipping, dated August 24, 1898, details the trip Moore took to Colorado. Moore describes his experiences on the train to his destination and in Colorado Springs, Manitou, and Pike's Peak. The second clipping, dated September 2, 1898, details the experiences Moore had traveling in Colorado. In this clipping, Moore describes the latter part of his travels to Grand Junction, Pueblo, and the Royal Gorge. He also notes the trav… more
Date: 1898
Creator: Moore, Charles B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Clipping: Rebel Prisoners]

Description: Newspaper clipping with details about rebel prisoners who were detained by the Union Army. The text notes that eight commissioned officers, two hundred and nineteen enlisted soldiers, and one hundred six deserters were captured. The names, ranks, and previous camp location of the officers are also included.
Date: unknown
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Clipping, March 31, 1866]

Description: A newspaper clipping from the Charles B. Moore Collection. The clipping is a business advertisement for P. Reynaud who was a commission merchant from Houston Texas. Reynaud's advertisement notes that his line of business was in the sale of cotton, hides, and country produce. It also lists a few of his associates.
Date: March 31, 1866
Creator: Waco Texas Register
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Clipping: Buggy Advertisement]

Description: Newspaper clipping containing an advertisement for high-grade top buggies and leather grade top buggies. Description, reproduced illustrations, and prices of both models are included in the clipping. The reverse side of the advertisement details shipping costs for the buggies to locations all of the United States and to select locations in Mexico. There are handwritten notes on the front and back of the page.
Date: unknown
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Periodical Clipping of Olivier Pain]

Description: An article describing the adventures of Olivier Pain. Sarting with his writings against Napoleon III's government. It mentions his wife and children. Then his adventures against the Communist government of France and his subsequent inprisonment. After escaping to Australia he arrived in the United States and went on to London. He was then secretary to Osman Pasha, after losing to the Russians he was offered to the French Government and refused. He was then a Russian prisoner of war and after th… more
Date: unknown
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Clipping of d'Arusamont Case from the Cincinnati Gazette]

Description: Article over the alimony case between Mr. d'Arusamont and his ex-wife Fanny Wright. It covers a small history of Fanny Wright: large inheritance from a maternal uncle and then she moved to the United States to promote her views. She was against slavery and she she couldn't eradicate it bought thirty slaves and set them up in St. Domingo. She then subscribed to the school of Socialist and set up a press but this project failed. In one of Fanny's visits to Paris she met Mr. d'Arusamont.
Date: unknown
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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