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Primary view of Texas and the Massachusetts Resolutions
Adams, Charles Francis
January 1, 1844
Primary view of Anti-Texass Legion: Protest of some free men, states and presses against the Texass rebellion, against the laws of nature and of nations
Anti-Texass Legion
January 1, 1845
Primary view of Annexation of Texas. By Junius no. IX
Colton, Calvin
January 1, 1844
Primary view of Discourse on Slavery and the Annexation of Texas
Dewey, Orville
January 1, 1844
Primary view of Address on the annexation of Texas, and the aspect of slavery in the United States, in connection therewith: delivered in Boston November 14 and 18, 1845
Phillips, Stephen C.
January 1, 1845
Primary view of History of the regulators and moderators and the Shelby County war in 1841 and 1842, in the republic of Texas, with facts and incidents in the early history of the republic and state, from 1837 to the annexation, together with incidents of frontier life and Indian troubles, and the war on the reserve in Young County in 1857
Middleton, John W.
January 1, 1883
Primary view of Proceedings of the Senate and Documents Relative to Texas, from which the Injunction of Secrecy Has Been Removed
United States. Congress. Senate.
Primary view of Message from the President of the United States to the Two Houses of Congress at the Commencement of the First Session of the Twenty-Ninth Congress.
United States. Congress. Senate.
Primary view of Congressional Globe (Permanent Edition) Volume 85: 28th Congress, 2nd session, Appendix
United States. Congress.
December 31, 1845
Primary view of History of Texas: From Its First Settlement in 1685 to Its Annexation to the United States in 1846, Volume 1
Yoakum, H. (Henderson K.), 1810-1856
Primary view of History of Texas: From Its First Settlement in 1685 to Its Annexation to the United States in 1846, Volume 2
Yoakum, H. (Henderson K.), 1810-1856
Primary view of Thoughts on the proposed annexation of Texas to the United States
Sedgwick, Theodore
January 1, 1844
Primary view of Texas: the rise, progress, and prospects of the Republic of Texas, Vol.1
Kennedy, William
January 1, 1841
Primary view of A new history of Texas for schools : also for general reading and for teachers preparing themselves for examination
Pennybacker, Anna J. Hardwicke
Primary view of Letters, Relating to the History of Annexation
Jones, Anson
January 1, 1848
Primary view of Memoranda and official correspondence relating to the Republic of Texas, its history and annexation. Including a brief autobiography of the author
Jones, Anson
January 1, 1859
Primary view of Texas: The Rise, Progress, and Prospects of the Republic of Texas. Volume 2
Kennedy, William
Primary view of Journey through Texas, or, A saddle-trip on the southwestern frontier : with a statistical appendix
Olmsted, Frederick Law
January 1, 1857
Primary view of Life of General Houston, 1793-1863
Bruce, Henry
Primary view of Massacre on the Nueces River; story of a Civil War tragedy.
Williams, R. H. & Sansom, John W.
unknown creation date
Primary view of Peace With Mexico
Gallatin, Albert
Primary view of Cattle Ranges of the Southwest
Bentley, Henry Lewis
Primary view of Texas Legal Directory For 1876-77
Bentley, Henry Lewis
Primary view of The War in Texas; A Review of Facts and Circumstances, showing that this contest is a Crusade Against Mexico, set on foot by Slaveholders, Land Speculators, &c. In Order to Re-Establish, Extend, and Perpetuate the System of Slavery and the Slave Trade.
Lundy, Benjamin, 1789-1839
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