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7 L Ranch Quadrangle

Description: Satellite image topographic map of a portion of Texas from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) project. The map includes towns, historic or notable sites, bodies of water, and other geologic features. Scale 1:24,000
Date: 2010
Creator: Geological Survey (U.S.)
Location: 31.44 -102.94
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
captions transcript

[24-Hour Film Feast in memory of Esther Rolle dialogue with actor Antonio Fargas]

Description: Video recording from The Black Academy of Arts and Letters recorded during the 2010 annual 24-Hour Film Feast in memory of actress Esther Rolle. The footage was shot during actor Antonio Fargas' dialogue on Rolle's pivotal work in American film and television held on Saturday, February 13th, 2010. The tape fades to black and then picks up with unrelated content around the 1:15:00 minute mark.
Date: February 13, 2010
Duration: 2 hours 7 minutes 40 seconds
Creator: King, Curtis & Fargas, Antonio
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
captions transcript

[24-Hour Film Feast with Melvin Van Peebles tape 1]

Description: Video footage from The Black Academy of Arts and Letters recorded during TBAALs 34th season 24-Hour Filmfeast featuring director Melvin Van Peebles. The footage features a live Q&A discussion with the director where he takes questions from the audience while going into detail about his early life and career.
Date: October 30, 2010
Duration: 40 minutes 17 seconds
Creator: Peebles, Melvin Van
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
captions transcript

[24-Hour Film Feast with Melvin Van Peebles tape 2]

Description: Video footage from The Black Academy of Arts and Letters recorded during TBAALs 34th season 24-Hour Filmfeast featuring director Melvin Van Peebles. The footage features a live Q&A discussion with the director where he takes questions from the audience while going into detail about his early life and career.
Date: October 30, 2010
Duration: 39 minutes 29 seconds
Creator: Peebles, Melvin Van
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

35 Years and Growing...

Description: A list of past workshops, conferences, awards, and publications sponsored by the Northeastern Ohio Chapter of the Church and Synagogue Library Association from 1975 to 2010. Prayers and memories written by chapter members, along with a scan of a workshop flyer from 1979, are also included in the compiled document.
Date: 2010~
Creator: Kight, Joyce
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
captions transcript

[18th Annual Christmas/Kwanzaa Concert]

Description: Video recording from The Black Academy of Arts and Letters recorded during their 18th Annual Christmas/Kwanzaa Concert event in 2010. This video features various holiday performances by youth and adults to celebrate Christmas and Kwanzaa live on the Naomi Bruton Main Stage. The video cuts at 1:17:29 to a news segment.
Date: December 11, 2010
Duration: 2 hours 7 minutes 42 seconds
Creator: Evans, Tracy
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

1916 Taylor-Woods Building

Description: Photograph of the 1916 Taylor-Woods Building on South First Street in downtown Lufkin, Texas. The two story brick building has its completion date and a name medallion on a stone top cap. Currently occupied by the Deep East Texas Council of Governments.
Date: January 27, 2010
Creator: Bell, Jim
Partner: Private Collection of Jim Bell

1925 Pines Theater

Description: Photograph of the front of the 1925 Pines Theater and left side alley in downtown Lufkin, Texas. The lower portion of the facade is brick with white trim, doors, a large window on the left, framed movie posters, and a recessed entryway and box office. The upper portion of the facade is a white board with ornamental green designs with a red and white marquee, and an electric red sign protruding from beige pilasters that says "Pines."
Date: January 27, 2010
Creator: Bell, Jim
Partner: Private Collection of Jim Bell

1925 Pines Theater

Description: Photograph of the front of the 1925 Pines Theater and left side alley in downtown Lufkin, Texas. The lower portion of the facade is brick with white trim, doors, a large window on the left, framed movie posters, and a recessed entryway and box office. The upper portion of the facade is a white board with ornamental green designs with a red and white marquee, and an electric red sign protruding from beige pilasters that says "Pines."
Date: January 27, 2010
Creator: Bell, Jim
Partner: Private Collection of Jim Bell

1929 Central Fire Station

Description: Photograph of the 1929 Central Fire Station on East Lufkin Avenue in downtown Lufkin, Texas. The building is two stories, made of brick, and has emergency vehicles parked on either side.
Date: January 27, 2010
Creator: Bell, Jim
Partner: Private Collection of Jim Bell

1929 Central Fire Station

Description: Photograph of the left front of the 1929 Central Fire Station in downtown Lufkin, Texas. The included building citation lists those involved with its construction.
Date: January 27, 2010
Creator: Bell, Jim
Partner: Private Collection of Jim Bell

1929 Lufkin Central Fire Station

Description: Photograph of the 1929 Lufkin Central Fire Station in downtown Lufkin, Texas. A white building citation appears on the left side of the brick building. Two open garage doors contain emergency vehicles. A red sport utility vehicle appears to the left, bearing the words "Lufkin fire" and "battalion I" on its side.
Date: January 27, 2010
Creator: Bell, Jim
Partner: Private Collection of Jim Bell

1955 Angelina County Courthouse

Description: Photograph of the 1955, Modern, Angelina County Courthouse on Lufkin Avenue in downtown Lufkin.The architect was Wilbur Kent. It was built in a "Modern Style" of brick, limestone, and steel.
Date: January 27, 2010
Creator: Bell, Jim
Partner: Private Collection of Jim Bell

[2009 Bright Ideas Award]

Description: Texas Daily Newspaper Associations' 2009 Bright Ideas Award submission guidelines. The Bright Ideas Award will be presented to four newspapers of different circulation classes with the best self-promotions of 2009. The document details how the newspaper may submit for entry.
Date: January 4, 2010
Creator: Texas Daily Newspaper Association
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[2010 All-State Choir Camp participants at Winspear Hall]

Description: Photograph of participants of the University of North Texas' 2010 All-State Choir Camp at Winspear Hall. Members of the group are standing in five rows on stage and two rows on the above balcony. Conductor Bob Chilcott (front left) is standing with the students. Georgia Kornegay is sitting center stage at a grand piano.
Date: July 17, 2010
Creator: University of North Texas. College of Music.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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