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[Chattel Mortgage Agreement Between W. H. Bonnell and Charles Schreiner Bank]

Description: Chattel mortgage agreement made between W. H. Bonnell and Charles Schreiner Bank in the amount of $3,200 owed to the bank by Bonnell. The document stipulates the debt be paid by the January 1, 1923; Bonnell is putting up his flock of goats, and sheep along with his stock of cattle as collateral to secure the payment of the debt. There is a printed note at the bottom of the page stating that this note "is given in reneal of balance owing by me to said Chas. Schreiner Bank on a certain note of … more
Date: {1922-07-17,1929-02-09}
Creator: Leavell, John R.
Partner: Butt-Holdsworth Memorial Library

[Postcard of New Years Wishes]

Description: Postcard of an sundial clock with poinsettias and candles on either side of the clock. Text below the clock reads "This brings from me a hearty wish, and a friendly greeting true. The best of health and the best of luck is my New Year wish for you.". The postcard is addressed to Sam Knight from Waco, Texas.
Date: December 31, 1922
Partner: Private Collection of T. B. Willis
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