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Beef Cattle Research in Texas: 1986

Description: Consolidated progress report providing a summary of research conducted at the experiment station during the prior year related to beef cattle, including: reproduction, care, and meats.
Date: December 1986
Creator: Texas Agricultural Experiment Station
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Texas Turfgrass Research: 1992

Description: Consolidated progress report providing a summary of research conducted at the experiment station during the prior year related to grass varieties used as turf, including growth and development, turfgrass cultivars, environment, pests, and culture.
Date: September 1992
Creator: Texas Agricultural Experiment Station
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Red Clover Production at Dallas - 1982

Description: Brief paper describing research "to determine if consistent production could be obtained at Dallas and determine which cultivars have superior production in the northern Blacklands" by testing red clover planted in Dallas, TX and evaluating its percentage in protein. (p. 1)
Date: April 1983
Creator: Read, James C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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