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[Photograph of a man and his horse]

Description: Photograph of a man leading his white horse through a broken part of a wooden fence. Beyond the fence is a hilly pasture with a farmhouse on the right and a forest on the left. Large clouds hang over the hills in the sky.
Date: [1939..1989]
Creator: Clark, Joe
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[News Script: Hog]

Description: Script from the WBAP-TV station in Fort Worth, Texas, covering a news story about a hog owned by Reverend C. H. Henderson, which looks like a Hereford. It is known as a "White Faced Hereford Hog."
Date: July 6, 1956
Creator: WBAP-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections


Description: Patent for a Gate. "My invention is an improved gate adapted for use as a farm-gate and for other uses." (lines 11-12) and illustrations.
Date: August 25, 1903
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Cowboys Roping

Description: Copy negative of four cowboys, one of them Darden Walker, on horse back preparing to rope something. They all hold ropes in their right hand and wear cowboy hats. Cooking equipment, a pot and a kettle, and a pipe lay in the for ground. The image is mounted to a rectangular piece of paper.
Date: unknown
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

Dairy Herd

Description: Copy negative of cattle in a ranch. In the picture there are a big number of dairy cows on a fenced field. In the background there is a big building with what seems to be barns. "Partial View of A. and M. College Dairy Herd" is written on the bottom of the picture.
Date: unknown
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

Dairy Herd

Description: Copy negative of cattle in a ranch. In the picture there are a big number of dairy cows on a fenced field. In the background there is a big building with what seems to be barns. "Partial View of A. and M. College Dairy Herd" is written on the bottom of the picture.
Date: unknown
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

Wool Rolls on Truck

Description: Copy photograph of a man standing on wool rolls on a truck. The truck is parked in a corral. On top are several rolls of wool. A man in a hat poses on top of the rolls.
Date: unknown
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

Men and Farm Equipment; Farm Equipment; Barn and House Exterior; Barn and House Exterior

Description: Copy negative of four pictures taken on Sunnybank Farm in Abilene. The top left picture is of three men working with a machine in 1958. From left to right they are Charley, A. John, and another man. In the top right picture, taken in July of 1958, there is a man on a tractor in a field with a pile of hay on a wagon behind him. The bottom left picture is of the barn in 1945. The bottom right picture is of the ranch house in 1945. It has stone siding, a chimney, porch, and balcony. There are peop… more
Date: {1945,1958}
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

Historic plaque - Nolan County

Description: Photograph of a historic plaque in Sweetwater, Texas. It reads: "Nomadic Indians crossed this region before Anglo-American pioneers arrived here in the 1870s. The first settlers were buffalo hunters such as I. S. (Tuck) Focht, who later became a rancher and businessman, and cattlemen such as Confederate veteran John R. Lewis. Created in 1876, Nolan County was one of 54 counties carved from Bexar Territory. It was named for Philip Nolan (1771 - 1801), an Irish-born adventurer who came to Texas t… more
Date: August 7, 2005
Creator: Belden, Dreanna L.
Partner: UNT Libraries

Men on Ranch; Men on Ranch

Description: 1 copy negative of 2 images. The first is of Jesse McDaniel and George Graves dressed in cowboy attire. They are both seated in chairs next to the wall of a building. The second is of Jesse McDaniel and George Graves dressed in cowboy attire holding lassos.
Date: unknown
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library
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