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[Postcard from the American Florist Supply Co. to D. W. Kempner, May 19, 1949]

Description: Postcard from the American Florist Supply Co. to D. W. Kempner informing him that his order of Jones Ant Killer has been shipped via express mail. It also states that one gallon of Jones Ant Killer is not included on the shipment because it is on back order.
Date: May 19, 1949
Creator: American Florist Supply Company
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Postcard from the American Florist Supply Co. to D. W. Kempner, April 5, 1949]

Description: Postcard from the American Florist Supply Co. to D. W. Kempner informing him that his order of florist supplies has been shipped via express mail. They also state that the order does not include Antrol liquid because it has not arrived from the factory.
Date: April 5, 1949
Creator: American Florist Supply Company
Partner: Rosenberg Library
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