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[News Clip: Dealey Plaza]

Description: B-roll video footage from the KXAS-TV/NBC station in Fort Worth, Texas, covering the Dealey Plaza and the building with the six floor window related to the JFK assassination. This story aired at 5pm.
Date: November 22, 1989, 5:00 p.m.
Duration: 57 seconds
Creator: KXAS-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[News Script: Church]

Description: Script from the WBAP-TV/NBC station in Fort Worth, Texas, covering a news story about the Watauga Presbyterian Church being designated as a structure of historical importance.
Date: October 22, 1972
Creator: WBAP-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[News Script: Pompei]

Description: Script from the WBAP-TV/NBC station in Fort Worth, Texas, relating a news story about archeologists finding preserved frescoes in Pompeii.
Date: September 25, 1972, 10:00 p.m.
Creator: WBAP-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Historic plaque - Dr. Preston C. Coleman

Description: Photograph of a historic marker. It reads: "Physician and Leader Dr. Preston C. Coleman (1853 - 1932). Born in Tennessee. Graduated from University of Louisville (KY.). Coming in 1883 to Colorado City, rode horseback or by buggy to ranches in 100-mile radius, practicing here rest of his life. Religion, medicine, and education were his chief concerns. He was a Texas & Pacific Railroad surgeon; 1895-96 president, Texas Medical Association; a fellow, American College of Surgeons; an elder in his c… more
Date: August 7, 2005
Creator: Belden, Dreanna L.
Partner: UNT Libraries

Historic plaque - Founding of Colorado City

Description: Photograph of a historic marker in Colorado City. It reads: "The Founding of Colorado City. Founded, 1880, at the crossing of the Colorado River and Texas & Pacific Railroad right-of-way: central shipping point and supply depot for the sprawling cattle ranches of west Texas and New Mexico. From 1880 (when A. W. Dunn opened his dirt-floor. Tent-roof General Store) to 1890. The boisterous cattle town garnered notoriety as well as fame. The largest community between Fort Worth and El Paso. Colorad… more
Date: August 7, 2005
Creator: Belden, Dreanna L.
Partner: UNT Libraries

Historic plaque - Nolan County

Description: Photograph of a historic plaque in Sweetwater, Texas. It reads: "Nomadic Indians crossed this region before Anglo-American pioneers arrived here in the 1870s. The first settlers were buffalo hunters such as I. S. (Tuck) Focht, who later became a rancher and businessman, and cattlemen such as Confederate veteran John R. Lewis. Created in 1876, Nolan County was one of 54 counties carved from Bexar Territory. It was named for Philip Nolan (1771 - 1801), an Irish-born adventurer who came to Texas t… more
Date: August 7, 2005
Creator: Belden, Dreanna L.
Partner: UNT Libraries

Historic plaque on grounds of Martin Co. Courthouse: Marienfeld

Description: Photograph of a historic plaque in Stanton, Texas. It reads: "Marienfeld. Former name of Stanton. Begun as German colony by 5 German Catholics from Kansas, who pitched tents here, near new Texas & Pacific Railroad in 1881. The site - with a water tank, section house, telegraph office - bore name Grelton, but settlers had it changed to Marienfeld - German for "Field of Mary". County was created 1876 and named for Wylie Martin, senator in Republic of Texas. When the county organized, town became … more
Date: August 6, 2005
Creator: Belden, Dreanna L.
Partner: UNT Libraries

Historic plaque - Midland Man

Description: Photograph of a historical plaque in Midland, Texas. It reads: "The Midland Man. Oldest human remains in New World. Found 1953 on ranch near here by pipeline welder Keith Glasscock. Fossilized skull, rib and hands bones had been exposed by weather conditions. Tests indicated these were bones of a woman who lived as long ago as 9000 - 9500 B.C.; nearby were bones of extinct species of horse, camel, mammoth, pecxcary, wolf, sloth; with weapons, tools and signs of ancient campfires. Drs. Fred Wend… more
Date: August 6, 2005
Creator: Belden, Dreanna L.
Partner: UNT Libraries

Midland County Courthouse, historic plaque on grounds

Description: Photograph of a historical marker in Midland, Texas. It reads: "Midland County (created and organized, March 1885). First known as the junction of many trails and site of the last Comanche raid into Texas. In 1881 the Texas and Pacific Railroad was built; equi-distant between El Paso and Fort Worth, this became known as Midland. First settler was a sheepman in 1882. Cattlemen came with Herefords in 1888. Water wells and windmills lured small farmers. Became headquarters for 1928 Permian Basin o… more
Date: August 6, 2005
Creator: Belden, Dreanna L.
Partner: UNT Libraries

[Historic Marker Application: Ireland and Mary Graves House]

Description: Application materials submitted to the Texas Historical Commission requesting a historic marker for the Ireland and Mary Graves House, in Austin, Texas. The materials include the inscription text of the marker, original application, narrative, floor plans, and photographs.
Date: September 12, 2013
Creator: Texas Historical Commission
Partner: Texas Historical Commission

[Historic Marker Application: Allcorn-Kokemoor Homestead]

Description: Application materials submitted to the Texas Historical Commission requesting a historic marker for the Allcorn-Kokemoor Homestead, in Brenham, Texas. The materials include the inscription text of the marker, original application, narrative, floor plans, and photographs.
Date: October 9, 2012
Creator: Texas Historical Commission
Partner: Texas Historical Commission

[Historic Marker Application: Farnsworth and Chambers Building]

Description: Application materials submitted to the Texas Historical Commission requesting a historic marker for the Farnsworth and Chambers Building, in Houston, Texas. The materials include the inscription text of the marker, original application, narrative, floor plans, and photographs.
Date: July 7, 2009
Creator: Texas Historical Commission
Partner: Texas Historical Commission

[Historic Marker Application: Farmers State Bank and Reinstein Store]

Description: Application materials submitted to the Texas Historical Commission requesting a historic marker for the Farmers State Bank and Reinstein Store, in Brenham, Texas. The materials include the inscription text of the marker, original application, narrative, floor plans, and photographs.
Date: December 22, 2009
Creator: Texas Historical Commission
Partner: Texas Historical Commission

[Historic Marker Application: Mt. Olive Baptist Church]

Description: Application materials submitted to the Texas Historical Commission requesting a historic marker for the Mt. Olive Baptist Church, in Bastrop, Texas. The materials include the inscription text of the marker, original application, narrative, illustrations, and photographs.
Date: November 25, 2008
Creator: Texas Historical Commission
Partner: Texas Historical Commission

[Historic Marker Application: First Baptist Church of Barksdale]

Description: Application materials submitted to the Texas Historical Commission requesting a historic marker for the First Baptist Church of Barksdale, in Barksdale, Texas. The materials include the inscription text of the marker, original application, narrative, floor plans, maps, and photographs.
Date: January 14, 2009
Creator: Texas Historical Commission
Partner: Texas Historical Commission
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