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[News Clip: Fort Worth Parade]

Description: Video footage from the KXAS-TV station in Fort Worth, Texas, to accompany a news story about the 1976 Bicentennial parade held in downtown Fort Worth, Texas. The theme of the parade was the history of transportation.
Date: July 4, 1976
Duration: 1 minute 45 seconds
Creator: KXAS-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
captions transcript

[News Clip: Heritage Village]

Description: Video footage from the KXAS-TV station in Fort Worth, Texas, to accompany a news story about Heritage Village--a Bicentennial celebration in Arlington that was delayed to due weather. Held at Randol Mill Park, the event featured booths and exhibits representing 20 countries. The "Mexican Village" is seen in this footage.
Date: July 11, 1976
Duration: 36 seconds
Creator: KXAS-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Chanting Choir from "The Heavenly Case of The Bicentennial- America On Trial"

Description: Chanting choir from the play "The Heavenly Case of The Bicentennial-America On Trial" presented on March 25 and 26, 1976 in the Gregg Auditorium, in Marfa, Texas. First row (L-R): Cathy Bailey, Debbie Mitchell, Laurie Mitchell, Ruth Roman, Kathy Robinson, Terry Ceniceros, Elvira Barrera, Frank Alvarado, Adele West. Second row (L-R): Valery Granado, Jay Hope, Jettie Steen, Susan Merrifield, Ann Earney, Maria Almance, Arnulfo Garcia, Danny Jurado, and Carmen Lopez. Third row (L-R): Russell Guev… more
Date: March 1976
Partner: Marfa Public Library
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