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[Mary Heidler]

Description: Photograph of Mary Heidler. She sits on a table, wearing a jacket and skirt. She reads the front page of the Fort Worth Star Telegram, which rests in her lap.
Date: unknown
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Photograph of Dr. C. E. Shuford]

Description: Photograph of Dr. C. E. "Gene" Shuford, faculty from the journalism department, posing in front of a typewriter smiling at the camera. In the image Dr. Shuford is wearing a suit, a few newspapers are hanging behind him and a closed door can be seen in the background.
Date: unknown
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Photograph of Dr. C. E. Shuford]

Description: Photograph of Dr. C. E. "Gene" Shuford, journalism department faculty, posing in front of a book case holding a newspaper. In the image five large awards sit on top the bookcase with a line drawing of a building leaning on the behind them. The bookcase is filled with instructional magazines, reference books, and previous yearbooks.
Date: 1952
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Setting Type Forms for Newspaper]

Description: Photograph of the newspaper staff creating the type forms for the printing press. In the image students are creating and reviewing the type forms for the newspaper before sending to the printing press. The far left male student's apron and ink stained hands indicate that he is performing the manual tasks of placing the forms in the metal slots. The other male student is slicing a form to height, one female student is handing a paper template to the working student, and the other two female stan… more
Date: 1942
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Women at a typewriter]

Description: Photograph of a woman sitting at a typewriter in the Campus Chat office. A second woman stands by her, holding a sheet of paper. Various newspaper clippings are pinned to the walls in the background.
Date: 1942
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Staff in the student newspaper office]

Description: Photograph of several staff members working in the student newspaper office where the Campus Chat is printed at North Texas State Teacher's College. Several people work at typewriters set on top cluttered desks. The windows in the background are open.
Date: 1942
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Students Working]

Description: Photograph of two male and two female students working around a table. One man uses a mallet on what appears to be a block of wood, while a woman marks up a newspaper page with a pencil.
Date: unknown
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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