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[Jean Nelson Ribbon Cutting at Nelson - Tebedo Clinic Opening]

Description: Photograph of Jean Nelson cutting rainbow colored ribbons in honor of opening of the Nelson - Tebedo Clinic. An exam table and counter are visible behind her. Handwritten on the back of the photo are the words, "Jean Nelson. (Bill's mother) Oct. 1990. Opening of Clinic." Jean was the mother of Bill Nelson, one of the clinic's namesakes, and a LGBT and AIDS activist.
Date: October 1990
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Window of the Gay Community Center]

Description: Front of the AIDS Resource Center during the 1980s with white lettering for the Dallas Gay Alliance and the Foundation for Human Understanding, which were the two organizations responsible for operating the Center. Facilities for the AIDS Resource Center included the Gay Community Center (lettering), a food pantry and a clinic for AIDS care.
Date: unknown
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Four people smiling in a parking lot]

Description: Photograph of two women and two men,(far right is Jaimie Schield, director of programs at RCD) standing in a parking lot smiling, in daylight, wearing casual attire. On their left sits a display of small, brightly-colored Troll dolls. The parking lot contains many other cars, and a long, red-brick building stands in the background.
Date: unknown
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists Newsletter, Volume 6, Number 2, Fall 1992

Description: Quarterly newsletter from the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists discussing news and updates related to the activities of the agency, information about psychologist licensing, and other topics of interest to psychologists in the state.
Date: Autumn 1992
Creator: Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists Newsletter, Volume 6, Number 1, Spring 1992

Description: Quarterly newsletter from the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists discussing news and updates related to the activities of the agency, information about psychologist licensing, and other topics of interest to psychologists in the state.
Date: Spring 1992
Creator: Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists Newsletter, Volume 7, Number 1, Spring 1993

Description: Quarterly newsletter from the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists discussing news and updates related to the activities of the agency, information about psychologist licensing, and other topics of interest to psychologists in the state.
Date: Spring 1993
Creator: Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists Newsletter, Volume 7, Number 2, Fall 1993

Description: Quarterly newsletter from the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists discussing news and updates related to the activities of the agency, information about psychologist licensing, and other topics of interest to psychologists in the state.
Date: Autumn 1993
Creator: Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists Newsletter, Volume 8, Number 1, Summer 1994

Description: Quarterly newsletter from the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists discussing news and updates related to the activities of the agency, information about psychologist licensing, and other topics of interest to psychologists in the state.
Date: Summer 1994
Creator: Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists Newsletter, Volume 5, Number 2, Fall 1991

Description: Quarterly newsletter from the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists discussing news and updates related to the activities of the agency, information about psychologist licensing, and other topics of interest to psychologists in the state.
Date: Autumn 1991
Creator: Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists Newsletter, Volume 9, Number 1, Winter 1995

Description: Quarterly newsletter from the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists discussing news and updates related to the activities of the agency, information about psychologist licensing, and other topics of interest to psychologists in the state.
Date: 1995-01~
Creator: Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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