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Carte des États-Unis d’Amérique

Description: This map shows the United States and surrounding areas including parts of Mexico and Canada (New Britain). Each country, as well as U.S. states, are outlined in color. Major cities, bodies of water, and geographic features are marked (with relief shown by hachures). Additionally, the names and locations of some Native American Indian tribes are noted.
Date: 1836
Creator: Lejeune, Th.
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

États-Unis et Nouvelle Bretagne

Description: This map shows parts of North America including most of New Britain (Canada), the United States, and the northern portion of Mexico. U.S. states and territories are shaded in various colors and labeled. Some major cities, bodies of water, and geographic features are marked (with relief shown by hachures). Scale [ca. 1:19,008,000]
Date: unknown
Creator: Antoine, Louis
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

New Hampshire

Description: Map of New Hampshire and the surrounding area at the time of the ratification of the Constitution, showing counties, towns, roads, water bodies, boundary lines, forts, and includes explanatory notes on certain geographic features. There is also an inset map in the upper-right corner titled "A General Map of the River St. Lawrence above Montreal to Lake Ontario with the Adjacent Country on the West from Albany & Lake Champlain," with major cities, lakes, rivers, and falls labeled. Relief shown p… more
Date: 1937
Creator: Blanchard, Joseph; Langdon, Samuel & Jefferys, Thomas
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

Massachusetts (eastern part, i.e., the District of Maine)

Description: Map of Massachusetts and Maine and the surrounding area at the time of the ratification of the Constitution, showing towns, Canadian provinces, bodies of water, and other geologic features. The map includes three inset maps in the lower-left corner showing the district of Maine, with markings for geographic features as well as towns. Relief shown by hachures. Scale [ca. 1:2,534,400] (40 miles to the inch).
Date: 1938
Creator: Carleton, Osgood; Doolittle, Amos; Mitchell, John & Jay, John
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

Sectional map indicating main automobile roads between Canada and United States (middle west sheet).

Description: Map of roadways in the Midwestern United States and southern portions of the Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario provinces of Canada. The map includes major towns, bodies of water, and boundaries. The map also includes an inset map of the four Canadian road map sheets in this series near the upper-right corner. Scale [ca. 1:2,217,600] (35 miles to the inch).
Date: 1931
Creator: Canada. National Development Bureau.
Location: None
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

The Arctic Regions

Description: Topographic map of the arctic regions, including Siberia, Russia, Finland, Sweden, Alaska, Greenland, Canada, and Newfoundland. The map includes towns, railroads, bodies of water, markers for cold and warm ocean currents, and other geographic features, with relief shown in hachures. The map also includes two inset map of Spitsbergen and Franz Josef Land (upper-left corner) and the Ellesmere Island region (lower-left corner). Scale [ca. 1:146,741,876] (231.6 miles to the inch).
Date: 1925
Creator: National Geographic Society (U.S.) Cartographic Division
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

Sectional Map indicating main Automobile Roads between Canada and United States (Middle West Sheet).

Description: Map of roadways in the Midwestern United States and southern portions of the Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario provinces of Canada. The map includes major towns and cities; bodies of water, including the Great Lakes; and boundaries. The map also includes an inset map of the four Canadian road map sheets in this series near the upper-right corner. Scale [ca. 1:2,217,600] (35 miles to the inch).
Date: 1926
Creator: Canada. National Development Bureau.
Location: None
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

Sectional Map indicating main Automobile Roads between Canada and United States (Great Lakes Sheet).

Description: Map of roadways of the region surrounding the Great Lakes, including Iowa, Kentucky, Wisconsin, New York, and the Canadian provinces Quebec and Ontario. The map includes major towns, bodies of water, and boundaries. The map also includes an inset map of the four Canadian road map sheets in this series bottom-center of the map. Scale [ca. 1,077,120] (17 miles to the inch).
Date: 1926
Creator: Canada. National Development Bureau.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

North America

Description: This sheet includes a map of North America on one side and maps of the Dominion of Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia on the other. The first map shows North and Central America in various colors. Mexico and all of Central America are shaded in single colors but have Mexican states and Central American countries labeled. In the upper portion of North America, U.S. states (and territories) and Canadian provinces are shaded in various different colors and labeled. Major cities, bodies of … more
Date: unknown
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Carte générale du Canada, de la Louisiane, de la Floride, de la Caroline, de la Virginie, de la Nouvelle Angleterre, etc.

Description: Map shows settlements, colonies, areas of Native American habitation, and physical features along the eastern coast of North America from Canada and the Gulf of the St. Lawrence to upper Florida and as far west as the Mississippi River and French "Louisiane" territory. Includes notes. Inset: [Map of the waterways in the upper northeastern portion of North America]. Relief shown pictorially. Scale [ca. 1:6,000,000] and Scale [ca. 11,000,000].
Date: 1776
Creator: Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d', 1697-1782
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Amerique septentrionale avec les routes, distances en milles, villages et etablissements [Sheet 1].

Description: Map shows geography and Native American tribes near present-day Ontario and Manitoba, Canada in North America. Inset: Nouvelle carte de la Baye d'Hudson et de Labrador, selon les dernieres cartes levées sur les lieux [New map of the Bay of Hudson and Labrador, according to the latest maps exercisable at the scene]. Relief shown pictorially. Scale [ca. 1:2,000,000].
Date: 1756
Creator: Mitchell, John, 1711-1768
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

British possessions in America.

Description: Map shows areas of Native American habitation, some major settlements, and coastal configuration of major waterways in northern North America. Relief shown by hachures. Scale not given. Map appeared in the New and Elegant General Atlas [1804] by Lewis and Arrowsmith.
Date: 1804
Creator: Arrowsmith, Aaron, 1750-1823
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

North America.

Description: Map shows cities, mining activity, and areas of Native American habitation in "British America," "Russian America," the United States, Mexico, Central America. Relief shown by hachures. Scale [ca. 1:13,366,000].
Date: [1854..1862]
Creator: Swanston, George H.
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Map illustrating the Canada Pacific and Northern Pacific and other proposed Railroads, connecting at Straits of Mackinaw: Also showing the position of Mackinaw City.

Description: Map shows proposed railroads primarily in the North Central United States and Canada; bullseye centering on Mackinaw City and the Great Lakes region and the Straits of Mackinaw connecting Lake Michigan and Lake Huron; Michigan counties, major cities and towns, and mineral resources. Inset: [Map showing proposed railroad connecting to James Bay]. Relief shown by hachures. Scale not given.
Date: 1857
Creator: Middleton, Strobridge & Co.
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Map showing the location of the Northern Pacific Rail Road.

Description: Map shows cities, states, existing and proposed canals and railroads, roads, and isothermal lines for the northern United States and most of Canada; mining activity, mineral resources, natural resources, buffalo ranges, and areas of Indian habitation; bullseye centered on Duluth, Minnesota. Includes legend, distances, and notes. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Scale [1:6,336,000].
Date: [1867..1882]
Creator: M.H. Traubel & Co.
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Johnson's North America.

Description: Map shows existing and proposed railroads, major roads, cities and towns, North American Indian tribes, U.S. Mail and Pony Express routes, and pre-statehood boundaries for contiguous western United States. Alaska is among "Russian Possessions" and Canada is "British America." Mexico, Central America, Greenland, and West Indies are also pictured. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Scale [ca. 1:15,840,000].
Date: [1866..1879]
Creator: Johnson, A. J. (Alvin Jewett), 1827-1884
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library
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