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[Three People in the Chancel of St. Paul Lutheran Church]

Description: Photograph of two men standing on either side of an elderly woman in the chancel of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Austin, Texas. The two mustached men in dark pinstriped suits are identified as Reverend Immanuel Janssen and Revered Doctor Ray Fred Martens. Martens is holding an award embossed with an insignia. The elderly woman in the center is Cornelia Schultz. A decorated Christmas tree is in the corner behind the group.
Date: unknown
Partner: Concordia University Texas

[Concordia Board of Regents]

Description: Photograph of the Lutheran Concordia College of Texas Board of Regents sitting around a rectangular wooden table with papers in front of them. The men are all wearing suits and are identified from left to right as: Paul Nerger, F. Reinhold Leschber, Reverend Albert F. Jesse, Reverend George Beto, Albert Schulz, and Reverend William Meyer. Handwritten notes appear on the back of the photo with cropping information and other notations.
Date: unknown
Partner: Concordia University Texas

[Nineteen People in the Chancel of St. Paul Lutheran Church]

Description: Photograph of nineteen men and women standing in the chancel of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Austin, Texas. They are wearing formal clothing, and many of them are middle aged or elderly. They are identified from the back left as Mr. Robert Bauer, Rev. Dr. Ray Fred Martens, unknown man, Mr. Mike Manuppelli, Mrs. Kelly Manuppelli, unknown man, unknown man, unknown woman, Mrs. Mary Bauer, unknown woman, Mrs. Cornelia Schultz, unknown man, unknown woman, unknown woman, Mr. Otto Teinert, Mrs. Elsie T… more
Date: unknown
Partner: Concordia University Texas

[Concordia Board of Regents]

Description: Photograph of the Lutheran Concordia College of Texas Board of Regents sitting around a rectangular wooden table. From left to right, the men are Paul Nerger, Reverend William Meyer, Reverend Albert F. Jesse, Reverend Doctor Roland Wiederanders, F. Reinhold Leschber, and Albert Schulz. The men are wearing suits, and all but Wiederanders are wearing eyeglasses. A crucifix is hanging on the brick wall in the background.
Date: February 27, 1956
Creator: Studtman Photo Service
Partner: Concordia University Texas

[Concordia Student Body, 1989-1990]

Description: Photograph of the Lutheran Concordia College of Texas student body standing in front of Kilian Hall. Most of the students are standing in a square group while holding balloons. Other students can be seen in the windows of Kilian Hall. Kilian Hall itself is a two-story brick building with a tile roof. "Concorida Lutheran College" appears on a sign above the entrance to the right.
Date: 1990~
Partner: Concordia University Texas

[Nineteen Men in Studtmann Hall Lounge]

Description: Photograph of twelve men in suits standing behind seven seated men in Studtmann Hall Lounge at Lutheran Concordia College. The men are identified from left to right as: (Back Row) unknown; unknown; unknown; unknown; unknown; unknown; unknown; Mr. Fred Frieling; Rev. Dr. Carl Heckmann; Rev. A. O. Rast; unknown; unknown; (Front Row) Rev. Dr. Henry Studtmann; Rev. Paul Eifert; Mr. F. Reinhold Leschber; Rev. Dr. Roland Wiederanders; Rev. Albert F. Jesse; unknown; and Rev. W. F. Bewie.
Date: March 23, 1957
Partner: Concordia University Texas

[Four People in the Chancel of St. Paul Lutheran Church]

Description: Photograph of three men standing on either side of a woman in the chancel of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Austin, Texas. The people are identified as Reverend Immanuel Janssen, Robert Bauer, Mary Bauer, and Reverend Doctor Ray Fred Martens. The men are wearing dark pinstripe suits, while Mary Bauer wears a sweater and plaid skirt. Martens holds a folded award with an embossed insignia. The Bauers and Martens wear name tags. A decorated Christmas tree is visible behind the group.
Date: unknown
Partner: Concordia University Texas

[Lutheran Concordia College student body]

Description: Photograph of Lutheran Concordia College student body. Identification on back reads, "1 Row, standing: N. Koenig, B Jacobs, T. Schmidt, F. Leschber, B.W. Fuchs, A. Behrendt, E. Wagner, M. Ballard. 2 row, standing: A. Kokel, O. Horn, N. Kasperick, W. Heinemeier, J. Kersten. 3 row, kneeling: A. Vehling, W. Streit, E. Saage, W. Teinert, T. Jahns, F. Otte. 4 row, sitting: M. Studtmann, M. Moerbe, W. Symank, F. Lowke, E. Freels"
Date: 1926
Creator: Schimdt, Theodore
Partner: Concordia University Texas
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