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[Sam Atkinson and Bruce Hunter]

Description: Photograph of Sam Atkinson, Regent's Professor and Director of the Institute of Applied Sciences at the University of North Texas. In the photograph Atkinson is working at a graphing table and measuring the distance with a ruler of locations on a map and writing down his findings on a piece of paper. The man in the background has been identified as Bruce Hunter, specialist in analysis and mapping as well as Association Director of the Institute of Applied Science. 1993.
Date: 1993
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Flood Insurance Rate Map: City of Cedar Hill, Texas, Dallas and Ellis Counties, Panel 15 of 35.

Description: Map issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for use in administering the National Flood Insurance Program, printed in panels to show precise areas. This map contains a portion of Cedar Hill, Texas, including elevations, markings to show areas most prone to flooding, and explanatory notes. Scale 1:12,000.
Date: 1981
Creator: United States. Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Location: None
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

A Chart of the Gulf Stream

Description: Map of the Gulf Stream from Florida and the Bahama Islands at lower left of map, up along the coast of North America, and to Newfoundland and the Grand Banks at upper right of map, as charted by Benjamin Franklin. At left side is text describing the journey from Newfoundland west and south along the Atlantic coast. In the text, "Gulf" is spelled "Gulph" Labrador is labeled as "Land of the Eskimaux's". Inset at upper left is a map of the Atlantic Ocean, showing the Gulf Stream.
Date: 1786
Creator: Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Brazil: Provincial Railroads

Description: Map showing provincial railroads in Brazil as of 1876, indicating (with red ink) those already built, in the process of being built, and projected to be built. Includes 2 tables listing location, length, distance from Rio de Janeiro and other statistics of the railroads.
Date: 1876
Creator: Imperial Instituto Artístico (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[News Script: Dogs]

Description: Script from the WBAP-TV station in Fort Worth, Texas, covering a news story about a quarantine for dogs in Fort Worth. The quarantine is a result of an increase in rabies cases.
Date: July 31, 1956
Creator: WBAP-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[News Script: Powder Puffs]

Description: Script from the WBAP-TV station in Fort Worth, Texas, covering a news story about Mrs. Edna Whyte, who will fly five thousand miles by herself. She will stop in Midland, Texas, then the coast to compete in the Powder Puff Derby.
Date: July 2, 1956
Creator: WBAP-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

County map of the State of Texas: Showing also portions of the Adjoining States and Territories

Description: This map shows the state of Texas, portions of New Mexico and Indian Territory (present-day Oklahoma), and the surrounding areas. The visible counties of Texas, New Mexico, and "Indian Territory" are marked with dotted lines, labeled, and shaded in various colors. Cities, bodies of water, and geographic features are also marked (with relief shown by hachures). Additionally, the map shows the western expansion of the Texas & Pacific Railroad from Eastland County to El Paso, the Galveston-Harr… more
Date: 1881
Creator: Gamble, W. H. (William H.)
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Amerique Septentrionale: Divisée en ses principales Possessions et Gds. Peuples

Description: This map shows North and Central America and some of the surrounding areas. Some places are labeled; bodies of water and some specific locations are marked with various symbols (there does not appear to be a related key).
Date: 1743?
Creator: Nolin, Jean Baptiste, 1686-1762 & Pufendorf, Samuel, Freiherr von, 1632-1694
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

L'Amérique : dressée pour l'étude de la géographie

Description: This map shows the western hemisphere including North and South America and the surrounding areas. The continents and different countries are outlined in red and shaded in various colors. Some major cities, bodies of water, and geographic features are marked (with relief shown pictorially). There are illustrations of ships in the oceans and of various objects around the title in the lower left corner. There are columns of text to the left and right of the map including information regard… more
Date: 1790
Creator: Brion de la Tour, Louis
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Phelp's Ornamental Map of the United States and Mexico

Description: This map shows the United States and Mexico and some surrounding areas. Various regions in the west are shaded in color and the regions in the east are outlined in color. Major cities, bodies of water, and geographic areas are marked (with relief shown by hachures). Additionally, the Great Oregon Railroad route from Chicago to Oregon City, Fremont's exploration route, and the Santa Fe Traders route are marked. There are two shaded text boxes list "Population of The Republic of Mexico" and "… more
Date: 1847
Creator: Phelps, Humphrey, 19th cent. & Barritt, William, b. ca. 1822
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library


Description: This map shows the country of Mexico and surrounding areas. The states of Mexico are outlined in color and labeled. Texas is shown outlined and shaded in yellow. An inset in the lower left corner shows Central America, labeled "Guatimala." Major cities, bodies of water, and geographic features are marked (with relief shown by hachures).
Date: unknown
Creator: Hall, Sidney
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library


Description: This map shows the state of Texas and surrounding areas. Each of the counties is shaded in color and labeled in blue text. Major cities, bodies of water, and geographic features are marked (with relief shown by hachures).
Date: unknown
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

North America.

Description: This map shows North and Central America and some of the surrounding areas. Various portions of the continent are outlined in different colors. Major cities, bodies of water, and geographic features are marked (with relief shown by hachures). Additionally, the names and locations of some Native American Indian tribes are noted.
Date: 1822
Creator: Hall, Sidney
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

United States.

Description: This map shows the eastern United States, with each state labeled and outlined using various colors. Major cities, bodies of water, and geographic features are marked (with relief shown by hachures). The names and locations of some Native American Indian tribes are also noted. An inset in the lower right corner is labeled "Continuation of Florida on the same scale as the Map.
Date: 1822
Creator: Hall, Sidney
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

United States of America

Description: This map shows the eastern half of the United States (the portion to the east of the Mississippi River). Major cities, bodies of water, and geographic features are marked on the map (with relief shown pictorially). The names and locations of some Native American Indian tribes are also noted. Prime meridian: London.
Date: 1797
Creator: Neele, Samuel John, 1727-1797
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Reconnaissance of Sabine Pass

Description: This map is a nautical chart showing the hydrography of the area in Texas and Louisiana around the Sabine Pass. The physical features are marked to portray coastline conditions using nautical notations and color shading and outlines. Depths are shown by soundings and marked with lines and numbers in feet. Text in the lower left corner is labeled "Sailing Directions" and gives explanatory details regarding the markings and measurements on the map. It also notes that various measurements use… more
Date: 1853
Creator: United States Coast Survey
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library
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