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Spanish North America.

Description: Map shows provinces of New Spain, cities, settlements, and areas of Native American habitation. Appears in Thomson's New general atlas. Relief shown by hachures. Scale [ca. 1:6,300,000].
Date: 1814
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library


Description: Map shows Mexican states, cities, roads, and areas of Native American habitation. Texas shown as a separate entity encompassing Santa Fe. Includes notes. Inset: "Mexico, shewing [sic.] its connection with the ports of Acapulco, Vera Cruz, & Tampico." Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Scale [ca. 1:6,650,000].
Date: 1842
Creator: Arrowsmith, J. (John), 1790-1873.
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

United States.

Description: Map shows state boundaries, territories, cities of the United States as it appeared during the early nineteenth century. A large section of Mexico [including present-day California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas] is also shown. Includes table showing the distance from Washington to other states, and table showing the extent of the United States. Relief shown by hachures. Scale [ca. 1:11,300,000].
Date: 1830
Creator: Boynton, George W., d. 1884
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

The United States of Mexico.

Description: Map shows borders, cities, and geography of early nineteenth century Mexican states. Inset: "Guatemala or the United Provinces of Central America." Relief shown by hachures. Scale [ca. 1:12,672,000].
Date: 1832
Creator: Burr, David H., 1803-1875
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Mexico, Texas & California.

Description: Map shows geography and political divisions of Mexico and the Republic of Texas before the Mexican War [1846-1848]. Inset: [Yucatan]. Relief shown by hachures. Scale [ca. 1:13,000,000]. Map appeared in Travels in Oregon, California & c &c by Thomas J. Farnham.
Date: 1846
Creator: Farnham, Thomas Jefferson, 1804-1848
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

A map of Mexico and the Republic of Texas.

Description: Map shows cities and provinces of Mexico and a separate Texas with boundaries extended to the "Rio Bravo del Norte." Relief shown by hachures. Scale not given. Map comes from History of South America and Mexico by John M. Niles.
Date: 1838
Creator: Niles, John M. (John Milton), 1787-1856
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Mexico & Texas in 1846: Seat of war.

Description: Map shows the geography, cities, and towns in Mexico and Texas. A United States flag, with flagpole pointing to Point Isabel, appears in the right side of the map. Relief shown by hachures. Scale [ca. 1:12,672,000]. Map comes from Texas and Mexico in 1846 by John Newman.
Date: 1846?
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library


Description: Map shows Mexican intendencias, and Texas and California as Mexican provinces; U.S.-Mexican border according to Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819; towns and rivers. Includes statistics and descriptive text in panels flanking left, right, and lower sides of map. Relief shown by hachures. Scale [ca. 1:11,051,163].
Date: 1825?
Creator: Beautemps-Beaupré, Charles François, 1766-1854
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

République fédérative des etats-unis méxicains.

Description: Map shows cities and towns, major roads, areas of Native American habitation, and state boundaries; Mexican state of Texas as "République de Fredonia" [referring to a brief revolution in Texas in 1826]. Includes legend and historical note. Inset: "Guatemala ou République Fédérale de l'Amérique Centrale" [Guatemala or Federal Republic of Central America]. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Scale not given.
Date: 1835
Creator: Dufour, A.-H. (Auguste-Henri), 1798-1865
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Carte réduite de la partie septentrionale du Golfe du Mexique depuis Laguna Madre jusqu'á la Côte d'après les nouvelles cartes espagnoles.

Description: Map shows ports, islands, and coastline detail along the Gulf of Mexico from the Laguna Madre to the northwestern coast of Florida and areas of Native American habitation. Includes notes. Depths shown by soundings. Scale [ca. 1:1,500,000].
Date: 1826
Creator: France. Dépôt général de la marine
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

[House of W. K. Ellis, Glenn Springs, Texas]

Description: Postcard of the House of W. K. Ellis, Glenn Springs, Texas and the Squad of [the] 14th [U.S. Army] Calvary. Glenn Springs, Texas is located within the Big Bend National Park in the southwest part of the State of Texas. The Big Bend National Park includes the entire Chisos Mountain Range and stretches into Mexico within the state of Chihuahua and the state of Coahuila, Mexico. The entire park is approximately 1252 square miles in area. The image shows ten U.S. Soldiers standing in front of t… more
Date: 1916~
Creator: Horne, Walter H., 1883-1921
Partner: El Paso Public Library

[Adobe Cook-House at Glenn Springs, Texas]

Description: Postcard of an "Adobe Cook-House at Glenn Springs, Texas in which 9 U.S. Soldiers made their Defense against Mexican Bandits". These are some, if not all, all of the same soldiers that are also pictured in postcard WH PC 189-001 https://edit.texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth187877/ The adobe structure in this image appears to have suffered some fire damage. We cannot positively identify the adobe structure in this postcard as being the same adobe structure in postcard WH PC 189-001 how… more
Date: 1916~
Creator: Horne, Walter H., 1883-1921
Partner: El Paso Public Library

[General Frederick Funston and Staff on Tour]

Description: Postcard of a group of uniformed men seated in two automobiles, labeled in the lower-right corner as "31. General Funston and Staff on tour of inspection, Tex-Mex. Border Outposts." Major General Frederick Funston is identified as the officer seated in the backseat of the car on the left, wearing a short-brimmed hat. Behind them, a single-story building is visible on the far left, and a barbed-wire fence runs along the length of the image.
Date: 1910~/1920~
Partner: El Paso Public Library

[National Guardsmen]

Description: Postcard image of men in uniform setting up a camp in the middle of desert brush, including men moving supplies in the foreground and a series of covered wagons behind them. In the far background, there is a water tower on the left side of the image and a telegraph or electric pole near the center. The bottom of the image has the caption: "National Guardsmen making camp."
Date: 1915/1920
Creator: Horne, Walter H., 1883-1921
Partner: El Paso Public Library

[Pennsylvania National Guard Arriving at the Border]

Description: Postcard image of the Pennsylvania National Guard making camp, with the caption: 'National Guard arriving at the Mexican Border'. Several uniformed guardsmen are fixing a supply wagon; other guardsmen are distributing supplies; and one man near the center is holding a pot. The background - tents are visible on both sides of the image; railroad box cars are visible in the distant background; and an unidentified motorcycle is visible on the left side of the image. Correspondence on the back i… more
Date: July 1916
Creator: Horne, Walter H., 1883-1921
Partner: El Paso Public Library

[Punitive Expedition in Mexico]

Description: The postcard caption reads: 'A Temporary Camp in Mexico'. We have no information for the location of this 'temporary camp' in Mexico. Also not known is the name of this National Guard Unit or Regular Army Unit, whichever it may be. These Soldiers however are part of the Punitive Expedition to Mexico. Visible in this photographic event are uniformed soldiers; several adobe buildings; tents; army rifles; and general army equipment scattered about. Most of the men appear to be relaxing. One… more
Date: 1916/1917
Creator: Horne, Walter H., 1883-1921
Partner: El Paso Public Library

[Dead Insurrecto]

Description: Photograph of an unidentified rancher on horseback looking down at the body of a dead Mexican 'bandit' or Insurrecto in the Chihuahuan Desert. Postcard captions reads: 'The bodies of dead bandits found all along the trail of Pancho Villa'.
Date: [1910..1920]
Creator: Horne, Walter H., 1883-1921
Partner: El Paso Public Library

[Dead Bandit]

Description: Photograph of an unidentified rancher on horseback looking down at the body of a dead Mexican 'bandit' or Insurrecto somewhere in the Chihuahuan Desert. The postcard captions reads: 'The bodies of dead bandits found all along the trail of Pancho Villa'. See also postcards: [Battlefield Scene in Mexico] - WH-PC-185-009; and [Battlefield Scene in Mexico - Duplicate] - WH-PC-196-012.
Date: 1916/1917
Creator: Horne, Walter H., 1883-1921
Partner: El Paso Public Library

[Donkeys grazing]

Description: Postcard image of three donkeys grazing for food in front of two pitched tents at an unknown campsite or small ranch. At right, a man and a boy are repairing a riding wagon and several small wood structures are visible behind them. At left, laundered clothing items are hanging on a clothes line.
Date: [1910..1920]
Creator: Horne, Walter H., 1883-1921
Partner: El Paso Public Library

[Yucca Plants and Mountains]

Description: Postcard of several yucca plants on a flat area with desert mountains in the background. The caption for this postcard reads: 'Yucca Plants and Mountains.' These Yucca plants are also known as Spanish Daggers.
Date: 1915/1920
Creator: Horne, Walter H., 1883-1921
Partner: El Paso Public Library

[Catholic Church in Mexico]

Description: Postcard of the interior 'Altar' area for an unidentified Mexican Church. It is not clear whether this is a 'Mexican Church' somewhere in El Paso, Texas or a 'Mexican Church' somewhere in Mexico. The Altar area and surrounding architecture is decorative and ornate and is a typical representation of 'Jesus at the Altar'. Various Saints surround 'Jesus' and behind 'Jesus' is the Church Tabernacle and above and behind the Tabernacle there appears to be an affixed Catholic Monstrance. Unfortuna… more
Date: 1916~
Creator: Horne, Walter H., 1883-1921
Partner: El Paso Public Library

Mexico, Guatemala and the West Indies.

Description: Map shows early nineteenth century boundaries of Mexico extending north along the Pacific coast. Mexican provinces and major towns are indicated. Relief shown pictorially. Scale [ca. 1:14,482,000].
Date: 1835
Creator: Bradford, T. G. (Thomas Gamaliel), 1802-1887
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library
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