19,209 Matching Results

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County map of the State of Texas: Showing also portions of the Adjoining States and Territories

Description: This map shows the state of Texas, portions of New Mexico and Indian Territory (present-day Oklahoma), and the surrounding areas. The visible counties of Texas, New Mexico, and "Indian Territory" are marked with dotted lines, labeled, and shaded in various colors. Cities, bodies of water, and geographic features are also marked (with relief shown by hachures). Additionally, the map shows the western expansion of the Texas & Pacific Railroad from Eastland County to El Paso, the Galveston-Harr… more
Date: 1881
Creator: Gamble, W. H. (William H.)
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Map of the State of Texas from the Latest Authorities

Description: This map shows the state of Texas and surrounding areas. Counties are shaded using various colors and labeled. Cities, roads, bodies of water, and geographic features are marked (with relief shown by hachures). Additionally, the map is annotated with notes about the locations of Indian tribes, railroads, and wild herds as well as population and other statistics from the 1850 census. Scale 1:3,400,000. Prime meridians: Greenwich and Washington. The northern, panhandle section of Texas is se… more
Date: 1855
Creator: Young, J. H. (James Hamilton) & Hazzard, J. L.
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Texas, New Mexico and Indian Territory

Description: This map shows the central southern states of New Mexico, Texas, and Indian Territory (present-day Oklahoma). Each of the states is shaded in color and labeled. Texas counties are outlined, labeled, and numbered. Major cities, bodies of water, and geographic features are also marked (with relief shown by hachures). An inset in the lower left corner is labeled "Vicinity of Galveston." The back of the map contains text titled "Nebraska, Kansas, Dakota, Colorado, Montana and Wyoming" and incl… more
Date: unknown
Creator: Stuart, Oliver J.
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Map of the State of Texas from the Latest Authorities

Description: This map shows the state of Texas and surrounding areas. Counties are shaded using various colors and labeled. Cities, roads, bodies of water, and geographic features are marked (with relief shown by hachures). Additionally, the map is annotated with notes about the locations of Indian tribes, railroads, and wild herds as well as population and other statistics from the 1850 census. Scale 1:3,400,000. Prime meridians: Greenwich and Washington. The northern, panhandle section of Texas is se… more
Date: 1852
Creator: Young, J. H. (James Hamilton) & Hazzard, J. L.
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library
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