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Service Record, World War I and Il: Nocona

Description: Service record book of the men and women from Nocona, Texas, and the surrounding community who served in the United States Armed Forces during World War I and II. Each person's entry contains their photo, a short biography, and details of their service.
Date: 1946
Partner: Private Collection of the Ritchie Family

Prizes Given for Sixth Allied Arts Exhibition

Description: Prize list for the "6th Annual Allied Arts Exhibition of Dallas County," March 19–April 2, 1933, held by the Dallas Museum of Fine Arts at the Dallas Power & Light Building. Includes list of prizes offered to entrants by participating companies.
Date: 1933
Creator: Dallas Museum of Fine Arts
Partner: Dallas Museum of Art

The New Generation of Italian Painters [Fact Sheet]

Description: Information about the exhibition, "New Generation in Italian Painting," October 8–November 6, 1960, held at the Dallas Museum of Fine Arts in conjunction with the State Fair of Texas and the Neiman Marcus Double Italian Fortnight. Includes background about exhibition and list of artists and artworks exhibited.
Date: 1960
Creator: Dallas Museum of Fine Arts
Partner: Dallas Museum of Art
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