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Ensemble - Kutchi Group, Pashtun Peoples, Afghanistan

Description: Ensemble - Kutchi Dress, Pashtun Peoples, Afghanistan. This assembled ensemble consists of: 1. Dress. Full-length. High neckline, slight V-shape. Front yoke/bib panel of fine needlework geometric shapes and patterns, in orange, purple, green, and blue. Front of bodice with four large embroidered rosettes of silver couching with orange silver/white, and black borders. Over-length, wide sleeves of patchwork of materials, including red, purple, and pink. Cuffs of heavy silver couching with… more
Date: 1940/1960
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

Festival ensemble

Description: Miao People, Thailand/Laos, Festival Outfit A) Jacket. Jacket of black cotton, waist length, with standing collar. Front opening with no closure, worn with sides overlapping and forming "V" neckline. Standing collar faced with machine-embroidered ribbon of black ground with purple-ish flower blossoms with yellow centers, blue vines, and green leaves. This band continues along edge of opening to about 9 1/4" above hem. From that point to hem on each side of opening a different band is used, of … more
Date: 1970/2000
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

[Dallas Gay Alliance T-Shirt]

Description: White T-shirt with an image of a flag and the words "Dallas Gay Alliance" underneath. The flag has a blue square in the upper-left corner containing blue and white silhouettes of faces; the rest of the flag has rainbow stripes.
Date: [1983..1993]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Dallas Gay Political Caucus T-Shirt]

Description: Close-up view of a logo that is over the left breast on a navy blue T-shirt. The logo is in white text and has four interlocked male and female gender symbols inside a square and initials DGPC (Dallas Gay Political Caucus) above it. The Dallas Gay Political Caucus eventually became the Dallas Gay Alliance.
Date: [1976..1983]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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