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"Surrounded by Dangers of All Kinds": The Mexican War Letters of Lieutenant Theodore Laidley

Description: This book contains a collection of letters written by Lieutenant Theodore Thadeus Sobieski (T. T. S.) Laidley between 1845 and 1848. The letters discuss life as a soldier during the Mexican War; most of the letters were written from various stations in Mexico. Each letter is bracketed by editorial commentary on the historical context and the collection is prefaced by a brief biography of Laidley's life prior to the first letter. Index starts on page 179.
Date: 1997
Creator: McCaffrey, James M., 1946- & Laidley, Theodore, 1822-1886.
Partner: UNT Press

The Roy Bedichek Family Letters

Description: This book is a collection of letters written by Roy Bedichek and letters written to him from other family members. Annotations and notes about the letters have been added as footnotes. Biographical information based on interviews of family members as well as genealogical charts of the Bedichek and Greer families are also included. Index starts on page 447.
Date: 1998
Creator: Bedichek, Jane Gracy, 1918- & Bedichek, Roy, 1878-1959
Partner: UNT Press

[Two emails to Charles C. Francis, August 24, 1999]

Description: The first is an email from Walter Olson to Charles C. Francis about the anti-gay pledge, and a piece that Olson wrote about it. The second is an email from Karl Rove to Charles C. Francis and it is also about the anti-gay pledge being circulated by Bill Horn.
Date: August 24, 1999
Creator: Olson, Walter & Rove, Karl
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Email with a letter from the Austin American-Statesman]

Description: An email containing a section of a letter from the Austin American-Statesman. The letter covers the actions of GOP leaders towards the Log Cabin Republicans of Texas surrounding the Republican Convention in Fort Worth, Texas. One spokesman, Robert Black, compared the group to the KKK and labeled it a hate group.
Date: June 6, 1998
Creator: Elizondo, Juan B., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Greater Denton Arts Council Grant Program contract, May 6, 1993

Description: Photocopy of a letter from Herbert Holl to Jack Davis and Bill McCarter requesting they fill out a contract for the Greater Denton Arts Council and giving them instructions on how to do so. Following the signed contract is a copy of the evaluation form, filled out, and a summary and evaluation document explaining the program. At the end a 1993-1994 Fact Sheet for the North Texas Institute for Educators on the Visual Arts is included.
Date: May 6, 1993
Creator: Greater Denton Arts Council
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Irene Williams to B. M. Williams, February 11, 1923]

Description: Letter from Irene Williams to her husband, complaining that he has not been writing to her and updating him on family and local news. She also enclosed clippings of four newspaper articles on various topics related to El Paso, Texas. The envelope is addressed to Mr. B. M. Williams in Long Beach, California.
Date: February 11, 1923
Creator: Williams, Irene
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[News Script: Water Council Story]

Description: Script from the WBAP-TV station in Fort Worth, Texas, covering a news story about complaints that Fort Worth has not seen much rain. Improvements to the water system are mentioned.
Date: July 25, 1956
Creator: WBAP-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[News Script: Letters]

Description: Script from the WBAP-TV/NBC station in Fort Worth, Texas, of Ward Andrews and Russ Bloxom reading letters sent to the news station.
Date: October 12, 1972
Creator: WBAP-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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